I'm ecstatic. (我高兴得忘乎所以了。) 希望进一步强调心情非常激动的感觉时。
I'm thrilled. (我太激动了。)
I'm so happy.我高兴极了。
I'm happy. (我很高兴/幸福。)
How's your new home? (新家怎么样?)
I'm happy. (我很幸福。)
I feel so happy. (我非常高兴。)
I'm in heaven. (我好像到了天堂。)
Yahoo!呀嗬! 表示高兴和喜悦的心情时。
Oh,boy!哇!太棒了(好家伙)表示高兴、惊喜的同时,也表示稍觉为难的心情。没有Oh, girl!的说法。
We're going camping next week. (下星期我们去宿营。)
Oh, boy! (哇-!)
I lost my keys! (我把钥匙丢了。)
Oh, boy!哇!/呀!/棒极了! (哦!这下糟了。)
Wow! 表示高兴、惊喜、赞叹。“啊”。
Look at the view! (看那边的景色!)
Wow! It's great. (哇!太漂亮了!)
Yeah! 表示同意、赞成。比Yes要随便、粗鲁。
School is canceled today. (今天学校放假!)
Yeah!哈哈!/太棒了! (哇-!)
Whoopee! 孩子用来表示幸福的词,如果大人使用,听上去含有讽刺的意味。
We're going to Disneyland! (我们要去迪斯尼乐园了。)
Whoopee! (啊!)
He got the promotion. (他升官了。)
Whoopee. (啊?)
I'm glad to hear it.听到这消息我很高兴。I'm happy you told me./ That's great to hear.
I'm relieved to hear that. (听了那个消息,我就放心了。)
I'm glad that...谢天谢地……
I'm glad that the exams are over. (谢天谢地考完了。)
I feel like a million dollars. 感觉好极了。
I've never been this happy.我从没有这么高兴过。
I've never been as happy as I am now.
This is the happiest moment in my life.
This is the best moment of my life.
I couldn‘t be happier.
That's good news.真是个好消息。
I heard John got married. (我听说约翰结婚了。)
That's good news. (真是个好消息。)That's welcome news!
What fun!那太棒了!/太好了!
Let's go dancing. (我们去跳舞吧。)
What fun! (那太好了!)How fun!
I feel great!舒服极了!
It's a nice day! (今天的天气真好!)
I feel great! (舒服极了。)
I feel wonderful!
I feel good!
I feel fantastic!
I feel terrific! 进一步强调“舒服”的说法。
I'm in a good mood today. 我今天的心情很好。
The boss is in a good mood. (老板的心情很好。)
I'm in a bad mood today. (我今天心情不好。)
I'm looking forward to this summer.我期待着今年的夏天。
Do you have any plans? (有什么打算吗?)
I can hardly wait until this summer. (我都等不及到夏天了。) 口语化的说法。
I'm looking forward to seeing you. (我期待着能见到您。)
You look happy today.今天你看上去很高兴啊!You seem really happy today.
Yes. I got a raise. (是呀,我涨工资了。)
I'm walking on air. 高兴得飘飘欲仙。直译是“在天上走”,表达仿佛登上了天似的极其高兴的心情。
I jumped for joy.我高兴得跳了起来。
This is too good to be true. 这简直不敢让人相信。(听到了非常好的消息时。)
We're having a baby. (我们有孩子了!)
This is too good to be true. (这简直让人不敢相信。)
It's unbelievable. (这无法让人相信。)Too good to be true.
Nothing could be more wonderful.没有比这更让人高兴的了。
Nothing would please me more.
Nothing could be nicer.
You made me happy.你使我感觉到了幸福。
Did you receive my birthday card? (你收到我给你的生日贺卡了吗?)
Yes, you made me happy. Thank you. (收到了,我太幸福了。谢谢。)
I made it! 成功了!(用来表现自己“成功了!”、“达到某个目标”时。如果向对方说用You did it!。)
Did you pass the exam? (考试通过了吗?)
I made it! (通过了。)I did it!
You did it!你干得不错!
I‘ve got a new job! (我找到了一个新工作。)
You did it! (太好了!)Alright!Yeah!
I won the lottery! (我中奖了。)
Lucky! (真走运。)
I lucked out today. 今天的运气真好。(美国的俚语说法。)
Didn’t that policeman give you a ticket? (那个警察没给你开违反交规的罚单吗?)
No, he didn't. I lucked out today. (没有,我今天的运气可真好。)
I was lucky today.
Today's my lucky day.
I feel lucky today.
I'm in luck today.
It's your lucky day.你真走运。
I found $10.00 on the street. (我在街上拣了10美元。)
It's your lucky day. (你真走运。)
That's fortunate. (真有好运气。)You got lucky.
Thank heavens!感谢上帝!/谢天谢地。 heaven是基督教所说的“天堂”,即“神和天使住的地方”。直译为“感谢天堂里的神”。
We didn't crash. (我们差点撞上。)
Thank heavens! (谢天谢地。)Thank God!Thank goodness!
I hit the jackpot!我中头彩了! 原意是赌博时赢得很多钱。一般用于“中了头彩”、“获得巨大成功”时。
What luck! (太走运了!)
I struck it rich! (我发了笔横财。)这句是从“挖到富矿”派生出来的一种表达方式。struck是strike的过去式。
I was just lucky. 只是运气好。用just或pure强调“只是运气好而已”。
It was just luck.
It was pure luck.
It's a dream come true!美梦成真!
Talk about luck.真幸运呀!
Mike got a raise! (迈克加薪了!)
Talk about luck! (他可真走运!)
This must be my lucky day!
Things are really going my way!
What a lucky day!
This is it!就是这个! 用于找到了一直在找的东西时。
What is a good gift for Tracy? (送特蕾西什么礼物好呢?)
This is it! (就这个吧!)
This is just what I was looking for. (这正是我要找的。)
It's settled!就这么定了。
Why don't we go to New York? (我们干吗不去纽约呀?)
It's settled! (是呀!就这么定了。)That settles it!
Sounds great! 听起来不错!听到对方的建议后表达自己同意的意见时。
Let's go dancing tonight! (今天晚上去跳舞吧!)
Sounds great! (嗯,好主意!)It sounds great!That sounds great!
Looks great! 真不错。看到什么人或什么物,发出“真棒”的感叹时。
Look at that salad bar. (你看那个沙拉长条桌。)
Looks great! (看起来不错!)It looks great!That looks great!
What a relief!啊!可以松口气了!
I passed! What a relief. (我通过了,总算可以松口气了。)
Good for you. (太好了。)
That's a relief! (总算放心了。)I'm relieved.
Everything worked out well. (所有的事都解决好了。)
I'm relieved. (我总算可以松口气了。)I feel relieved. I feel a lot better now.
I'm surprised!吓我一跳! 因意想不到的事情使得情况发生突然的变化,而使人吃惊、吓了一跳时。
Happy birthday! (生日快乐!) I'm surprised!(吓我一跳!)
好了!这下放心了!What a surprise!
Whew! 表示终于可以回避问题,松一口气的心情。发音就如同吹口哨一样。
Whew! (好了!这下放心了!)
We made it! (干得不错!)
Thank goodness!谢天谢地。Thank God!
Aah! 啊!表示心情放松、高兴和叹息,一般只用于自言自语。
I felt relieved to hear that. relieve 听这么一说,我就放心了。可以表示放下心来、安心的心情。
Did you hear that the meeting went well?(你听说了吗?那个会开得很顺利。)
Yes, I felt relieved to hear that. (听说了,这么一来我就放心了。)
I was relieved to hear that.
I felt much better after hearing that.
Here we are at last. Here we are. 终于到了。是固定短语,表示“到了”。
Here we are at last. (终于到了。)
Home sweet home. (还是自己的家好!)
We‘ve finally arrived.
Good riddance.可算摆脱了。 riddance 表示“摆脱烦恼、麻烦”。
He finally left. (他终于回去了。)
Good riddance. (太好了,他可算走了。)
I‘m glad they‘re gone.还好,都过去了。
Everybody has blue days.
These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted.
Days when you feel small and insignificant,
when everything seems just out of reach.
You can’t rise to the occasion.
Just getting started seems impossible.
On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you.
This is not always such a bad thing.
You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!
On blue days you feel like you’re floating in an ocean of sadness.
You’re about to burst into tears at any moment and you don’t even know why.
Ultimately, you feel like you’re wandering through life without purpose.
You’re not sure how much longer you can hang on,
and you feel like shouting, “Will someone please shout me!”
It doesn’t take much to bring on a blue day.
You might just wake up not feeling or looking your best,
find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose.
You could forget your date’s name or have an embarrassing photograph published.
You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname,