
发布时间:2016-12-02 11:03



1. knock sb. over撞倒某人

2. block out堵住

3. leave a deep impression on…给……留下深刻印象

4. be caught in the disaster遇上灾难

5. on one’s side侧身

6. feel sorrow and sympathy for…对…感到悲痛和同情

7. on the way to …在去…的路上

8. come across偶然遇见

9. count on依靠

10. put up with容忍,忍受

11. end up doing以…结束,以…告终

12. in particular尤其,特别

13. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起…,提醒某人想起…

14. stand out显眼,突出,醒目

15. have a burst of understanding突然理解,突然明白

16. now that…既然,由于

17. have a breakthrough有突破/重大发现

18. in a flash一瞬间,立刻

19. attract the attention of sb. 吸引某人的注意

20. the instant…一……就

21. make sense有意义,讲得通,能被理解



1. burst out laughing 突然大笑

2. have trouble /difficulty (in) doing…做某事有困难

3. cash a cheque 兑现支票

4. push one’s way to the front 挤到前面

5. wait in line 排队

6. feel down 情绪低落

7. get/be stuck in 陷入

8. arrive on the scene 到达现场

9. be associated with 与……有联系

10. take sth./sb. seriously 认真对待

11. get rid of 摆脱,除掉

12. from time to time 不时地

13. result in 导致,造成

14. regardless of 不管,不顾

15. rely on 依赖,依靠

16. make an attempt to do…努力、尝试、企图做……

17. busy oneself doing 忙于做……

18. compensate for 弥补

19. be involved in 涉及,参与

20. pull faces 做鬼脸

21. in the presence of 面对

22. devote one’s life to… 把一生奉献给……

23. thanks to 多亏,由于

24. do sb. good 对某人有益

25. face up to 面对


1. a real masterpiece真正的杰作

2. in preparation for 为…. 做准备

3. a wide range of 各种各样的,多种多样的

4. one in every ten 十分之一

5. be accompanied by 附有;伴随

6. (be) in harmony 和谐的

7. (be) accessible to 可理解..的;可接近/进入.的

8. have a tendency to do 有做某事的倾向

9. refresh one’s memory 使某人回忆起...

10. bite someone on the leg 咬某人的腿

11. be delivered with energy赋予活力

12. Phrasal verbs with “turn” turn down / up / off / on…

13. be drown in homesickness思故乡

14. in an instant立刻,片刻

15. be based on 建立在...基础上 / 以..为根据

16. be / get / become trapped in 被困在...

17. walk back and forth 来来回回,走来走去

18. loads and loads of 大量的

19. out of sight 看不见,离开视线范围

20. have drawbacks有缺点

21. touch one’s heart触动人心






