
发布时间:2017-05-26 20:16



Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time !



ⅠTeaching Aims

1. Knowledge goals:

(1) Key vocabulary: have a great time

(2) Key structures: --I think I’m going to the party with Karen and Ann

--If you do, you’ll have a great time.

2.Ability goals:

(1) To train students’ ability of listening and speaking

(2) To train students’ ability of communication

3.Emotion goals:

(1) Look before you leap

(2) Enhance students’ interest in English learning

ⅡTeaching Important Points

1. Key phrase: have a great time

2. Key structures: If you do ,you’ll.…

Ⅲ Teaching Difficult Points

1. Master the structures: If you do ,you’ll.…

2. Make correct conversation using the target language

Ⅳ Teaching Methods

(1) Listening and Speaking Method

(2)Pairwork and Groupwork

Ⅴ Teaching Aids

A computer, a textbook

Ⅵ Teaching Procedures

Step1 Warming up and lead-in

1. Greet the students as usual

2. Enjoy a song “If You Are Happy”

3. Introduce “Mr If”

Step2 Presentation

1. Guess and Link:1a

2. Listen and Check:1b

Step3 Practice


Step4 Summary

T:Today we’ve learnt to talk about consequences. And you met my friend Mr If. From him, we learnt the structure”If you …,you will …”. In our daily life, when you want to do something, you should think about the consequences before you make decisions. Step5 Homework

After class, write five sentences with if structure.and recite 1a. Preview for the next period.

Blackboard design

Unit5 If you go to the party, you’

have fun enjoy oneself

If you…,you’ll…





1. 教师个人素质高,作为英语老师高素质的表现最主要的就体现在两个方面,一是教学语言表达能力强,能灵活、开放性的跟学生进行有实际意义的交流。第二是英语发音标准。我们刚才听的课这几位老师就都给了我们良好的示范,他们的语音让我们感觉很好听,愿意听,而且跟学生的交流都非常灵活,个人英语表达能力很强。我们年轻的老师,每天一定要挤一点时间来练内功。因为你的口音会直接影响学生一辈子,而且如果你能用simple English 能说会道,你的课堂才能有趣。

2.新课的导入有吸引力,一下子就把学生的注意力收他们设定的目标。我们知道新课导入是提高课堂有效的基础,成功的导入是课程顺利进行的保证。丰沛老师从让学生看What’s in the box? 引出computer, 再从computer可以看视频,然后一起看视频,再用思维导图的形式呈现所看到的,一环扣一环,非常自然的导出了目标单词。韩妍老师直接从观看与课文内容相关的巨石阵的视频开始,一下子就引起学生想更多了解巨石阵的兴趣。王瑜老师从dream引导到自己的梦想是拥有一个服装店,到店里会有哪些东西,就很自然地引出了教学内容。潘芸芸老师是以guess的游戏导入 inventions. 很自然就过渡到了目标句型:When was it invented? What was it used for?

3. 安排了大量以学生为主体的活动

我们四个老师,可以说是每个人依据自身的特点和优势,采用了不同的教学方式,但是他们都设计了大量以学生为主体的活动。有个人、两人、小组和全班性的,有模仿、小组讨论、 表演、游戏, 有教师指导性的,也有需学生独立或合作完成的。活动都有明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的语境和情景中进行,突出了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。在多样化的活动中学和练,学中有练,练中有学,新授与巩固融为一体。特别是丰沛很愿意动脑筋,他考虑到学生基础差,拓展过多内容,不利于学生的消化和吸收。我担心他一整节课就是一个Do you have句型,不停的Do you have该有多么无聊,但是我们看到他设计了几种不同的活动来练习,“ 猜动作”“听声音”,“考眼力”,“画画”,学生在快乐的氛围中不知不觉就完成了本课的教学目标。

4. 没有固定的教学模式,现在全国上下遍地都在“高效课堂”的改革,似乎人人都想弄个什么“模式”出来,有“老师只能讲多少分钟”,有的是“几个一”,有点是“导学案”,我不知道这些对其他学科有没有帮助,对我们的外语教学完全是拖后腿,至少倒退30年,重新回到哑巴聋子英语。但是我们非常高兴地看到,我们区的英语教学一直很理智,立场很坚定,我们这四节课都没有一个固定的模式,都是以学生开口说,使用英语为主导,每个老师根据自己课的特点和自身的特长,选择了适合自己的教学方法。我们每个老师都是具有不同特征的个体,不能受公开课、示范课的误导,不要盲目模仿,别人的某一个方面应该只是作为自己的参考或借鉴。我们一定要认识自己,找准适合自己的一些教育教学方法,不可被模式所左右。

5. 课程资源的开发和利用,从他们的课我们可以看出杨特工作室很重视现代信息资源的开发和运用,四节课有三节都用了视频,而且内容都与课程目标语言非常贴切,丰沛和韩妍老师是把视频作为导入设计的,潘芸芸老师是把视频作为巩固操练来安排的,他们的设计都极大地调动了学生的兴趣。 丰沛老师电子白板使用的娴熟和白板多种功能的开发和利用,今天也是让我们印象深刻,值得我们下来好好学习和探讨。



Unit4 How do you get to school?


1、知识目标:单词:subway take the subway train ride a bike walk 等。





6、多元智能:人际交往 逻辑表达 个性呈现



1. how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.

2. 乘坐交通工具的表示方法.

3. It takes /will take/took sb. some time to do sth.


cards and a tape-recorder .




Step 1.Warming up.

Great the class as usual.

Talk about the weather .

T: How’s the weather today?

T:How was the weather like yesterday? „„ point student A say

“ Hello! Listen to me ok ?.I will sing a song to you .But you

must „”.(用手指作安静动作)

Listening to a song

歌曲欣赏,创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。 Step 2 、Games


Step 3、Play

多媒体技术呈现以上预知的词汇导入新句型how do you get to „.?的学习。 Ask students to try to read these words :bike train subway car boat .and correct the wrong pronunciation of these words .Then do a words game .(比记忆力)。

Step 4、Listening .

过渡到Section A 1a 1b的学习,并逐步完成课文1b的填空。

Using the picture on the screen. Ask students some questions about the picture.

T: What can you see in the picture?

T: How many people are there in the picture?

T: What are they doing?

After this, play the recording for two times, ask students to finish Activity 1b and write down the phrases of the transports.

takes the train, takes the subway, takes the bus

Then ask students to repeat the conversation and check the answers together.

The teacher give the correct answers on the screen.


Step 5、Structures(操练词汇及句型 )

a、Show the pictures to students and read these phrases , ask students to repeat.

b、show the pictures to them and ask them to say each phrase one by one. c、Then show the pictures to students and ask students to answer the question “How do you go to school?” one by one.

d、Then do another exercise.

The first student say “I go to school by „„or I take„„to school.”. Then the second student say “He/She goes to school by„„or He/She takes„„to school.”

(完成第三人称的转换,目的是从“句子接龙”中让学生达到听与说的结合。) Step 6、Pairwork

Ask two students to read the dialogue about 1a.

Then ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer how students get to school in the picture.

As they work, move around the room, offering language or pronunciation support as needed.

Finally ask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.


Step 7: Exercises

1. ( ) do you get to school?

I take the bus.

A. Why B. How C. When D. Where

2. How ( ) Dave ( ) to school yester day?

A. does; get B. did; got C. does; got D. did; get

3. She goes to the library ( ).

A. walk B. on foot C. by foot D. in foot

4. How ( ) Tom and Marry ( ) home?

A. do; get to B. does; get to C. do; get D. does; get

(通过练习巩固所学内容,特别是练习3强调了步行用“on foot”练习4强调了地点副词“home”前不用介词“to”)

Step 8 :Homework:

Write down your own conversations in pairwork.

Interview ten students how they get to someplace, make a list.


Unit4 How do you go to school?

How do you go to school?

takes the train takes the bus

takes the subway walk

I go to school by„„.


1) 基本按照新课标的要求让学生成为课堂的主体,遵循学习认知规律,通过设疑、提问、启发、诱导、游戏、多媒体动画等方法,调动学生积极性,使整个教学呈现轻松的发展过程。

2) 多媒体教学使课堂生动活泼,增加了教学容量,使老师更好的利用和节省时间。

3) 随堂的几道习题帮助学生更好的掌握了所学。

