63 的英文翻译

发布时间:2017-03-20 20:07

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63 的英文翻译

sixty three。;

63 的英文翻译双语例句

1. His wife of 63 years, Mary, predeceased him by 11 months.


2. Of America's million millionaires in 1985, the average age was 63.


3. Chemist stores upped sales by 63 percent.


4. Out of the 78 cases of this disease, 63 showed marked progress.

患这种病的78例中, 63例有显著好转.

5. The Government proposed a common retirement age of 63 in a consultation paper published yesterday.


6. After a few warm - up tosses, he put the shot 63 feet 6 inches.

几次试掷之后, 他把铅球投出六十三英尺六英寸远.

7. RESULTS 63 % of baicalein and % of berberine hydrochloride in the strip.


8. The website address can be as long as 63 characters.


9. The methods of tendon suture are discussed in Chapter 63.


10. Lingyun Baekho tea with caffeine 4.91 % , 3.63 % amino acids, tea polyphenols 35.6 %.

凌云白毫茶含咖啡碱4.91%, 氨基酸3.63%, 茶多酚35.6%.

11. HEC Paris has 63 overseas alumni associations in 49 countries.


12. Come from arms trade 63 delegates of 60 units attended the meeting.


13. In 1870, General Robert E . Lee died in Lexington, Virginia, at age 63.

年, 罗伯特将军在列克星敦, 弗吉尼亚逝世, 享年63岁.

14. The 63 - series motor is a favorite engine around our office.


15. Almost all Tanzanian said so, while 63.4 % of Chinese mentioned it.

几乎所有的坦桑尼亚人如此认为, 在中国有63.4%人非常赞同.

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