
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:19

摘要:“世界新七大奇迹”(The New7wonders)基金会12日公布“世界新七大自然景观”初步名单,亚马逊雨林、越南下龙湾、巴西与阿根廷边界的伊瓜苏瀑布、韩国济州岛、印度尼西亚科莫多国家公园、菲律宾公主港地下河、南非桌山入选。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

South America's Amazon rain forests, Vietnam's Ha Long Bay, and Argentina's Iguazu Falls are among the provisional New Seven Wonders of Nature, according to a global popularity poll conducted by New7Wonders.

The other four natural wonders are South Korea's Jeju Island, Indonesia's Komodo Island, the Philippines' Puerto Princesa Underground River, and South Africa's Table Mountain, New7Wonders announced Friday, citing provisional results based on the first count of votes. The announcement was made at New7Wonders headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.


However, New7Wonders said the final results would be announced early next year because there could be changes between the provisional winners.


根据第一轮票选结果, “世界新七大奇迹”周五公布,其他四个自然景观是韩国济州岛、印度尼西亚科莫多岛、菲律宾公主港地下河和南非桌山。该声明是“世界新七大奇迹”在总部瑞士苏黎世公布的。

然而, “世界新七大奇迹”称由于初选名单内成员之间可能出现变动,最终结果将于明年年初公布。

【讲解】文中的New Seven Wonders of Nature即指“新七大自然景观”,wonders of nature 指自然景观、自然奇观,也可以说成natural wonders , rain forest 是指热带雨林, fall在这里是瀑布的意思。另外,文中的provisional 是指临时的,暂时的,headquarters是指总部。
