
发布时间:2017-03-21 12:07



There once lived a deer who had large, strong antlers. The antlers protected the deer from attacks, so enemies left him alone.

One day, the deer went to a pond to drink. The water was like a mirror. When the deer looked at his big antlers in the water, he was proud. "I look like a king," he said, "and this forest is my kingdom."

Then he noticed something else. "My legs are slender and my feet are small," he said. "They look so weak. I hate them."

While the deer was complaining, a wolf appeared at the pond. When the deer saw him, he ran toward the trees. The wolf quickly ran after him.

The deer was a fast runner and reached the trees first,but then his large antlers got stuck in some branches. When the wolf caught up to him, the deer cried out with regret.

"I admired my antlers, but they are the cause of my troubles. My legs and feet could have saved me, but I hated them. I didn't appreciate what was truly valuable!"



One beautiful summer morning, a farmer went to check his animal traps. In one tap, he found a beautiful eagle. At first, he thought that he would hill the eagle and eat it.

But then he thought to himself, “This is a beautiful and special bird. It often catches rabbits and mice that eat my crops. I’ll let it go.”

He opened the trap, and the eagle spread its wings and flew up into the blue shy.

The eagle was very grateful to be free again. It continued to live on the farmer’s land and catch mice and rabbits.

Later that summer, the farmer was building a wall. It was high and made of large stones. Suddenly, the wall started to fall, but the farmer did not notice.

The eagle, flying above, saw that the farmer was in danger. It flew down and grabbed the farmer’s hat off his head. The farmer shouted, Hey! Bring that back!”

The eagle flew a short distance and then dropped the hat. The angry farmer picked up his hat and walked back. He saw that the stone wall had fallen. The farmer smiled and thought, “The eagle repaid me when I most needed help.”

睡前英语小故事: 危险意识

Once upon a time, there was an old lion. He was very slow, and it was difficult for him to catch any animals. When he did catch one, it always got away. He was too weak to hold onto them.

Then he had an idea! He told all the other animals that he was sick. Then he lay down in a cave and waited. When the other animals came to visit him, he leaped up and ate them.

One day, an old and wise fox walked past the entrance to the cave. He called out to the lion and asked him how he was. "Bad," answered the hungry lion, "why don't you come in and visit me?"

But the wise fox sensed danger. He had noticed that there were many tracks going into the cave and none at all coming back out. "No, thanks," said the wise fox. "I have lived to be very old because I always see the signs of danger before it is too late."


There once was a farmer who wanted to buy a donkey. He wanted a hardworking one that could help him on his farm. He went to a market and saw one that looked perfect.

“May I try out his donkey for a day or two?” asked the farmer. “If he is hardworking, I will pay you a good price.”

“Of course you may,” said the seller. “I’m sure that he will please you.” The farmer thanked the seller and took the donkey back to his farm.

When they arrived, the new donkey joined the other animals on the farm. He placed himself beside the fattest, laziest donkeys there. The farmer shook his head and took him back to the seller.

“Show me another donkey,” said the farmer. “I don’t want this one.” He told the seller about what the donkey had done.

“I don’t understand,” said the seller. “What’s wrong with standing beside lazy donkeys?”

“Well,” said the farmer, “you can understand a lot about someone if you look at the friends he chooses.”




3.睡前小故事 冰孩儿

4.睡前小故事 真正的强者

