
发布时间:2017-05-27 14:34




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a passage on “The Advantages of Travel” based on the words and phrases given: advantages widen our knowledge, make friends, knowledge or geography, beautiful scenery, different lifestyle, customs and cultures, various foods, practice a foreign language, worth spending the time.


The Advantages of Travel

Whenever a college student is asked “What are you going to do this summer vacation?”the most probable answer might be “I am going to have a trip.”It seems that college students are fond of traveling very much. Why?Because travel has numerous advantages. First of all,travel can widen our knowledge of geography,the knowledge of different customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. Secondly, we can make friends and practice a foreign language through traveling. Finally, travel is the best way of spending time. We can enjoy eating various local foods and seeing beautiful scenery.In a word, we can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time.

作者在第一段中就用上了关键词travel和advantage,并很巧妙地利用Because travel has numerous advantages这样的承上启下的句子来引出下文关于旅游的种种好处。最后又把关键词用在了文章的结尾处,强化了主题,不失为画龙点睛之笔。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a passage on“The Helpful Features of Textbooks” based on the following words given: textbooks, school, levels, kids, purpose, learn, therefore, features,information, contentsts,page, understand, divide, sections, finally, alphabetical, mast, help, quickly, efficiently.


The Helpful Features of TextbooksTextbooks are books that students use in schools. Students at all levels and in all kinds s of schools use textbooks. They have certain features in common—features that can help students find and understand the information in them. All textbooks have tables of contents at the beginning. The tables of contents list the chapter titles, the parts of the chapters,and the page numbers of the parts. These sections are divided again into smaller parts with headings and subheadings. Finally, most textbooks have an index at the

back of the book. The index lists all the topics in the book in alphabetical order, and gives their page numbers.These are the features of most textbooks, which help students find and understand the information in textbooks quickly and efficiently. 文章一开头用定义法给教材下了个定义。接下来具体说明教材的主要特征。最后一段与第一段相呼应,并重复和强调了几个关键词中的关键词,比如textbooks,information等。 写作中的问题及应对策略



















的句子。通常我们写扩展句所采用的方法是举例子(for example, for instance, such as, a case in point is that---)、列数据(according to the recent study/survey,---)等。


因此我们通常看到英语的文章段落结构 60%-70%都是由主题句+扩展句构成。







significant, vital, main, crucial, momentous etc


所谓词汇的准确性是指,我们在有一个词近而想到它的同义词之后,要结合语境选择恰当的用词。在这里必须指明的是,并不是词汇等级越高越好,必须还要考虑到适合于不同的语境。比如,眼睛大,这个“大的”形容词,我们首先会想到big,近而想到great, large, huge, vast, titanic, enormous etc。那么是不是用后面的词就可以了呢?或者说用上enormous等词更能博得阅卷人的好感呢?答案是否定的。在这里很明显用后面的词来修饰眼睛是不可以,只能用big,因为我们听过一首英文歌曲叫做“I am a big big girl, in a big big world.”big表示眼睛大而迷人可爱的。



同学们平时写作不太擅长用词组,最习惯的就是想到汉语,然后对应汉语思维写出英语句子,这种写作只能是单词的罗列组合,谈不上什么技巧文采可言,因此,写出来的文章必然就是所谓平淡如流水,没有英语的味道。如果我们能够在单词的基础上,进一步想到与之同义的词组,那么文章就会显得与众不同,更具有英语的味道。比如上面所说的“重要的”这个单词,当我们想到important的时候,如果从语法角度再稍加考虑一下,我们会想到“be of importance”。因为,

语法中规定:形容词等于of加这个形容词的名词形式。如果再提升一步,我们还学过一个常用的词组叫做“play an important role in---”。很多同学说自己的文章凑不够字数或是没有文采,那么采用词组进行写作是不是就可以解决以上问题了呢?


除了采用词组,要使文章更具英语的味道,我们还需要变换句式。没有受过正规作文训练的考生,通常采用的句式多为主谓宾、主系表。于是我们看到大多数的文章充斥着这样的形式:I am a good boy, and I am a student. I study in XXX University, and I have three years experience in XXX Hotel.这样流水帐式的文章显然不能得到高分。




Kunming, the Spring City, is a famous tourist city.

Other people may give us instrumental support—financial aid, material resources, and needed services—that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.

插入语的作用主要有两个,一个是突出主语,比如说:He, who would like to play basketball, is a good student.

第二个作用是解释说明,比如说:People, especially students, should work hard.



Only + 时间状语

Only when all of us join in the efforts of eliminating cheating at all levels can we expect to have a cleaner society and a more beautiful future.

Only + 介词词组

Only by planning his time care fully can he improve efficiency and make achievements.

Only in this way can we master the writing skills step by steps.

否定词位于句首(hardly when; never; not only---,but also---; seldom)


Seldom in my life have I met such a kind-hearted man. 地点方位名词位于句首

In no other place in the world can one find such enthusiasm for applying for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.



The bicycle is important for us.

The bicycle is of importance for us.

The bicycle plays an important role in our life.

The bicycle, environmental friendliness vehicle, plays an important role in our life.

The bicycle is like the air, water, and sunshine and cannot be parted with a moment in our life.






大学英语四级考试写作题型根据教育部颁布的大学英语教学大纲的要求,大学英语四级考试的命题形式有以下几种:首尾句作文、提纲作文、图表作文、命题作文、书信体作文等。首尾句作文是根据段首(尾)句续写短文。段首句作文也称主题句作文,因为作文题中所给的段首句往往是段落主题句。其特点是以题目为中心,一般情况下将文章分为三个段落,每段首句即为该段的主题句(topic sentences)。考生要按主题句的要求组织材料,提出论据,用一些辅助句(supporting sentences)来支持或说明主题句,写英文段首句作文要注意:所写的内容要紧扣主题,辅助句应围绕段首句续写。保证段内每个句子的内容与段首句紧密展开各个段落,如:例证、因果、定义、比较对比、程序等。要注意句与句之间,特别是段首句与辅助句之间的自然衔接。另外,所给的段首句有时是一个完整的句子,有时不是一个完整的句子,只是句子的一部分,这就要求我们一定要审好题。找出其中表示中心思想的关键词,围绕这些关键词去扩展、描述或说明。

[例1]Directions :For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Women in the Modern World in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each

paragraph and are required to develop the idea in completing the paragraph; your part of the composition should be about 100 words, not including the words given. Remember to write clearly.


Women in the Modern World

Women are playing an increasingly important role in society. Successful women who are government officials, writers, scientists, doctors and teachers can be found everywhere. It is true that many jobs that once were dominated by men can be done well by women.

With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. The husband is no longer the only bread maker in the family and the wife no longer lives on others. They share comforts and hardships with each other.

In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. Women still face many difficulties and obstacles due to traditional roles and limited economic strength. Women still have a long way to go in their struggle for complete equality with men.


紧紧围绕妇女的社会作用,比如,妇女可以是政府机关的工作人员、科学家、教师等;第二句的段首句是关于妇女在家庭中的地位也提高了,续写的内容也是有关夫妻患难与共;第三句的段首句是讲妇女解放仍然任重而道远,续写的部分提出了妇女所面临的问题,整个续写的部分紧扣段首句。 [例2]Directions :Write a composition about What Would Happen If There Were No power in three paragraphs, you are given the first sentence or part of the first sentence of each paragraph:

1. Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.

2. If there were no electric power,...

3. Therefore,...


What Would Happen If There Were No Power

Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. It has played a decisive role in the modern world. Everybody admits that development of our civilization depends on electricity.

If there were no electricity power, our modern world would be in trouble. For instance, all the wheel would stop because without the power the machine would cease working. And all

the electrical equipment life would be impossible and in a great mass without electricity.

Therefore, we should make better use of elective power. On the other hand, we should educate people to economize on electricity and not to waste energy resources. At the same time we must do our best to exploit more electric resources to meet the requirements of human beings.


