
发布时间:2016-11-21 13:16

摘要:金酸梅奖由约翰·维尔森(John JB Wilson)创立于1980年,以评选美国年度最烂影片为目的,在每年2月奥斯卡奖揭晓前一天公布。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Action flick "The Last Airbender" and comedy "Sex and the City 2" earned the wrathof Razzie voters on Saturday in the annual Oscar spoof that spotlights Hollywood's worst performances.

"Valentine's Day" stars Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Alba won Golden Raspberry Awards for worst actor and supporting actress. Kutcher was also pilloried for his work in another film, "Killers," and Alba for "Little Fockers," "The Killer Inside Me" and "Machete."





文中出现的“Golden Raspberry Awards”就是“金酸梅奖”的意思,“Raspberry”是指一种叫覆盆子的浆果,在俚语中可以表示“喝倒彩,咂舌声”,常用的短语是“blow/give a raspberry”,金酸梅奖的别名razzie,也就是razz(咂舌、嘲弄)的变体。
