
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:26

摘要: “RapeX是名叫Sonette Ehlers的南非女子发明一种反强奸女用避孕套。’如果一个人企图强奸一名妇女,一旦他穿透女人,避孕套就会自动附在他的阴茎上。并且在他拔出时造成巨大的痛苦。

“RapeX是名叫Sonette Ehlers的南非女子发明一种反强奸女用避孕套。 作为南非输血服务中心的一名前雇员,她处理过许多强奸案受害者,并以此为灵感发明了这个装置。 RapeX是一种女用避孕套,就像卫生棉塞(妇女月经时用)一样插入阴道。它是由乳胶制成的,像一个正常的避孕套,但它布满了‘锋利的箭,向内的倒刺。’如果一个人企图强奸一名妇女,一旦他穿透女人,避孕套就会自动附在他的阴茎上。并且在他拔出时造成巨大的痛苦。最理想的是,一旦这名男子(因极度痛苦)在地板上翻滚时,妇女就将有足够的时间逃离现场。另外,肇事者将无法将女用避孕套从他的阴茎上取下来,他必须通过手术切除,而这将会暴露事实给当局,有助于在法律起诉。”——

"RapeX is an anti-rape female condom invented by a South African woman named Sonette Ehlers. As a former employee with the South African Blood Transfusion Service, she treated many rape victims which served as her inspiration for creating this device. RapeX is a female condom that is inserted into the vagina much like a tampon. It is made of latex, like a normal condom, but it is lined with 'shafts of sharp, inward-facing barbs.' If a man attempts to rape a woman, once he penetrates the woman, the condom would attach itself to the penis and cause severe pain to the man during withdrawal. Ideally, once the man is writhing on the floor, the woman would have enough time to escape the scene. In addition, the perpetrator would be unable to remove the female condom from his penis; he would have to get it surgically removed which would be a tell-tale sign to authorities and help in legal prosecution."


Anti-Rape Condom

老实说,在未了解南非的强奸和艾滋病受害者统计之前,我也不会相信这种设备的存在,我也看到任何存在的理由,然而,要知道可怕的环境就存在在那儿,我想捐钱给任何在那里生活的女人,并希望投资于这种类型的设备。在她网站的常见问题解答部分,Ehlers建议妇女应该穿RapeX ——如果“你必须一个人做长途旅行,在火车上,工作到很晚,出去与你不是非常清楚的人约会,去俱乐部,或在任何你可能感觉不安全甚至是不确定的情况下。”

In all honesty, before learning the statistics of rape and AIDS victims in South Africa, I would not have even believed this type of device existed, nor would I have seen any reason for it to exist; however, knowing the horrific conditions that exist over there, I would donate money to any woman who lived there and wanted to invest in this type of device. In the Frequently Asked Questions section of her website Ehlers advises that women wear RapeX if "you have to travel long distances alone, on a train, working late, going out on a date with someone you don’t know too well, going to clubs, or in any situation that you might not feel comfortable or even just not sure."

当然,这样的设备也并不是没有批评。来自南非暴力与和解研究中心的Lisa Vetten 指出,“这就象我们回到了被迫穿(中世纪妇女使用的)贞操带的时代。这是一个可怕的思想,妇女为了应付强奸,必须穿着这些设备…….妇女们将不得不在生活中的每一分钟都穿着这个,就因为她们那极小的被强奸的机会!”埃勒斯回应说,“正如生活中的一切,都会有消极的态度一样,我可以不对那些拒绝教育男人和感觉这个装置是中世纪的的人负责。一个中世纪装置为一个中世纪的行为!

Of course, a device like this is not without its critics. Lisa Vetten from the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation in South Africa states, "It is like we are going back to the days where women were forced to wear chastity belts. It is a terrifying thought that women are being made to adapt to rape by wearing these devices … Women would have to wear this every minute of their lives on the off-chance that they would be raped." Ehlers responds, "As with everything in life there will be negative attitudes and I can’t be responsible for people who refuse to educate men and feel the device is medieval. A medieval device for a medieval deed!"
