
发布时间:2017-05-16 18:31



高中英语故事短文:Food as Punishment

A food called “nutraloaf” has been used for many years in US prisons. But prisoners claim that it tastes so bad that the food is actually punishment. They say that prison officials must charge the prisoner with some type of violation before they can punish him by making him eat nutraloaf. At least one prisoner has filed a lawsuit against the use of nutraloaf. Prison officials say the prisoners are overreacting. They say that nutraloaf is a nutritious food. “It’s just like fruitcake,” said one warden. Nutraloaf is a mixture of bread, cheese, raw and cooked vegetables, beans, and other ingredients which may vary from season to season and prison to prison.

Prison officials say that using nutraloaf, a “hand” food, increases prison safety, because prisoners don’t have utensils or plates to throw at or use against guards or other prisoners. Officials routinely distribute nutraloaf for days at a time when one or more prisoners act unruly.

“What are they complaining about? I wish I could have had nutraloaf when I was growing up,” said Bob Hope, a prison warden in Arkansas. “It tastes a lot better than the grits and corn bread I ate every day. These guys have a lot of nerve to complain. I’ve eaten it myself many times—I just pop it into the microwave for a minute, spread a little butter on it, and enjoy. What’s their beef? Prisoners are a bunch of whiners. If they want five-star prison food, they should commit their crimes in France.”

高中英语故事短文:It’s All Over

“I don’t have anything to do with her anymore,” Robert swore to his girlfriend Wanda. Yet he admitted that Sharon, his ex-girlfriend, was still sending him emails. He said that he had stoppedresponding to her emails a year ago, when he and Wanda had started dating. Then why was she still sending emails to him, Wanda demanded. Robert said he figured that she was lonely. He didn’t really know, because he always deleted her emails without reading them.

“So,” Wanda asked, “you told her that you and I were dating, and you told her to stop emailing you. Yet she continued sending you emails. But you always deleted them without reading them. Is that correct?” Robert answered yes, that was 100 percent correct. “I don’t believe you,” Wanda said.

She believed that something was going on. She believed that they were playing her for a fool. It takes two to tango. Robert was not only reading, but also responding to, every email that Sharon sent him. As far as Wanda was concerned, Sharon still loved Robert and he wasn’tdiscouraging her. He said he was through with Sharon, but his phone was often busy late at night when Wanda tried to call him. When Wanda asked who he was talking to, he always said it was his investment company.

“Why don’t you just block her emails—then you won’t have to bother deleting them?” Wanda asked. Robert said he hadn’t thought about doing that. A day later, Wanda sent Robert something else he hadn’t thought about—a Dear John email. It was short and to the point: "Have a nice life with Sharon."

高中英语故事短文:New Law for Taco Trucks

Taco trucks cannot remain parked in the same location for more than an hour, according to a new Los Angeles city law. They cannot return to that location for three hours. In the past, they could not remain parked in the same location for more than two hours. Restaurant owners complain that the taco trucks are stealing their customers, “because taco truck food is faster and cheaper. Plus, they don’t have to pay taxes or get health inspections.”

Lawyer Phil Greenberg says the time limit is unenforceable. “The two-hour law was never enforced by the city, so what’s the point of changing it to one hour?” he asked. “The city has more important things to do than ticket these hard workers. What about all the potholes, the graffiti, the homeless, and the gangs? LA is almost $400 million in debt. The mayor has already said he’s going to lay off 767 city employees. There won’t be anyone left to enforce the new parking law. There are thousands of taco trucks in this city.”

The penalty for the first violation of the new law is $100; the second violation can result in a maximum $1,000 fine and six months in jail. One angry truck owner said, “This is a racist law. All of us taco truck owners are Latinos. Our trucks are an important part of the history and culture of Los Angeles. Thirty of us have already agreed to park our trucks in the same spot all day long. If a law is illegal, it is our duty as good citizens to ignore it.” City residents who want to support taco trucks can visit save our tacotrucks.org.
