
发布时间:2016-12-02 12:29










Water and fire

One day, the water and fire in skill, than the than the, just had a quarrel.

Fire with ground to say: "I help people to make a fire and cook, bring back warm winter... look, me!"

Water defy spirit ground say: "I help people face, wash clothes, wash dishes, take a shower, people also drink me... I use more than you, you don't have words!"

Fire in anger say: "the next time you call my heat, I you dry up, look at what you've got?"

Water is angry, retorted: "hum! You came out I take you out!"

At this time, the electricity came, and asked: "what's wrong with you?" They have to tell as it had happened, please call to review reason. Electric wanted to mean to say: "you are people's good friends, be short of one cannot, but if you fight not to cooperate, all around his temper, will bring disaster to people. I think, you are like me, very willing to service for people, isn't it?!"

Water and fire, hear the word of the electricity bow their heads in shame, for the people went to work. Since then, both of them never quarreled, unknown to serve the people!








99 card

The king had seven beautiful daughters, they known that beautiful black hair, so the king gave them 100 each a beautiful card.

One morning, the princess woke up, as usual with hairpin to sort out her hair, only to find that is missing a hairpin, so she took the second princess card; The princess found less a hairpin, so she took yincui gorge hairpin; Yincui gorge found less a hairpin, so she took four princess card; Four princess princess took five card; Five princess princess took six card; The princess had to take seven princess hairpin. So, seven princess card only 99 left.

The next day, the neighbour prince came to the palace, for the king said, "my lark fetch a hairpin, I want to belong to the princess, it is a fate, who is this princess away?" Princess to hear that, I thought: I must have dropped. But only the head of the seven princess a hairpin.

, a gust of wind blew her long hair because of missing a hairpin, all go down, and the prince look for.

In the end, the prince and the princess married.



忽然,小白兔看见绵羊出来找吃的。小白兔问到:“绵羊您好,青蛙、乌龟和蛇都的哪儿去了?”绵羊说:“天冷了,他们钻到洞里冬眠去了,明年春天还会醒来的。”“你呢?也睡吗?”“不,我可不怕冷。我们 绵羊身上的毛像一层保护膜,所以我不怕冷。”绵羊骄傲地说道。


Animals spend the winter

In the morning, the little white rabbit came to find a friend to play in the woods. One to the woods, a huge changes have made the small white rabbit was stunned: is all forest is deciduous, all round quiet, where friends are gone?

Suddenly, the small white rabbit saw the sheep come out to look for food. Asked the little white rabbit: "hello, sheep frogs, snakes and turtles are where go to?" Sheep said: "the day is cold, they drill to the hole hibernation, will wake up the next spring." "You? Also sleep?" "No, I'm not afraid of cold. Our sheep body hair like a layer of protective film, so I am not afraid of cold." Sheep proudly.

The small white rabbit next to the tree, see dragonflies lay motionless on the ground, like a corpse. Asked the little white rabbit: "dragonfly, why are you lying on the ground?" Dragonfly dying said: "I'm dying. That's how we dragonflies, to death every winter." Say that finish, just closed his big eyes. His soul slowly fly to heaven. Flow tears of loathe to give up the little white rabbit.






