
发布时间:2017-04-09 11:06



I guess I have always been a very motivated person and when my accident happened 11 years ago, I saw it only as a challenge I had to overcome. I was paralyzed during a football game. I had only been playing professionally for two and a half years when I was injured.


Doctors told me that I would never walk again, but I didn’t listen to them. I listened to my heart. It has taken me over a decade of very challenging and exhausting work but it was well worth it!


Not only can I walk but I can water ski, snow ski , hike, kayak and enjoy a life with my wife and daughter. I am also a motivational speaker for people who are overcoming physical challenges.


It is important to have role models in our life. I know that if I didn’t have any, I wouldn’t be where I am today. To be honest, learning to use my body again demanded intense focus, dedication, love, and above all, optimism. The way I see it optimism is the difference between success and failure.



Jason and his dad did not get along. They foughtand disagreed about everything. When Jason was19, he and his father got into a huge fight. Jason lefthome. He packed a bag and got on the first busheading out of town. He went to a city that was notfar away; however, to Jason it felt like anothercountry.


He felt a little lonely but he tried to ignore those feelings because being on his own is what hewanted. He liked being independent and was glad to not be fighting with his father.


Two years had passed since he had left home and aince he had spoken to his mother or father.One night he had a terrible dream. In his dream, his father was very sick. The next day Jasonthought a lot about his dream. He realized that he could barely remember why he and his fatherweren't talking anymore.


That evening he got on a bus and went back to his parent's home. Jason was happy to find hisparents both healthy and very pleased to see him again.



In my third year of school, something happened andmy attitude about working hard changed. I'm notsure what it was, but something encouraged me tostudy a little harder for this one particular test wewere going to have at school.


In my whole life, I was always just an averagestudent. My parents seemed to think I could do better and reminded me of this all the time. Inmany ways, their nagging made it so I didn't want to study or work hard. Of course this causedproblems when it came to getting grades back.


Well, like I said there was this one test. Four days I prepared for it! On the day of the test Iremember feeling very confident and found the tast fairly easy to write.


The following day we got our test scores back. I had the top grade! Needless to say, myparents were very happy with me. More important though, I realized that I could be more thanjust average. A lesson I learned by proving to myself, not because someone else told me.

