
发布时间:2017-03-03 16:26




爱情像衣服,虽然很多,但适合的只有一件。 "Love is like clothes, although many, but only one suitable. "

爱一个人并不是一定要得到她,而是要让她幸福,这就是你对她最好的爱。 "Love a person is not sure to get her, but to make her happy, this is your best for her love."

获得爱情你可以随便用什么办法,而保持爱情却需要智慧。 "You can easily get love what way, but they need to keep the love of wisdom. "

爱情就像一支箭,婚姻就像被射中的苹果,可惜的是,射中之后,箭头就会生锈,苹果就会烂掉。 "Love is like an arrow, marriage is like being shot in the apple, unfortunately, after the shot, the arrow will rust, apples will rot. "

爱情无需刻意去把握,越是想抓牢自己的爱情,反而越容易失去自我,失去原则,失去彼此之间应该保持的宽容和谅解。 "Love without deliberately to grasp, the more we want to grasp his love, but more likely to lose self, losing principle, lose each other should remain tolerant and understanding. "

两个人分手之后,天涯各处,不相往还,他们总以为,对方还是活着的,原来,那个人也许已经不在了。 "After the two men parted, horizon everywhere, not relative dealings, they always think the other side is still alive, the original, that person might have gone. "

爱情不是避难所,想进去避难的话,是会被赶出来的。 "Love is not a refuge, refuge want to go, then it will be driven out. "

我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 "I love you not because of who you are, but because I like the feeling with you when. "

爱过就抛在身后,不要缅怀过去,因为它毕竟已经过去,现在是新的开始,将过去的阴影留在现在只会让你的现在也成为过去。 "Loved it behind, do not cherish the memory of the past, because it is, after all, has been in the past, and now is a new beginning, will remain in the shadow of the past will now let you now past. "

女人既不是善良的天使,也不凶恶的魔鬼,而仅仅是个凡人,而且从爱情和情感的力量来看,她们是比男子更软弱的受造之物。 "Women are neither good angels nor demons evil, but merely mortal, and from the power of love and emotional point of view, they are much weaker than men's creation. "

"幻想终究是没有羽翼的天使,飞不出现实的距离。" "After all, there is no fantasy angel wings, could not fly from reality. "

男人应该找个他爱的人做妻子,女人应该找一个爱她的人做老公。 "Men should find a wife who loves him, a woman should find a man to love her husband to do. "

当我对你越来越礼貌时,我们或许就越来越陌生了。 "When I tell you more polite, perhaps more familiar to us. "

一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 "One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music, and then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you try hard to forget really so forgotten. "

不要因为寂寞去恋爱,时间是个魔鬼,天长日久,如果你是个多情的人,即使不爱对方,到时候也会产生感情,到最后你怎么办? "Do not be lonely to love, time is of the devil, Over time, if you are a passionate people, if not love each other, that time will also have feelings, and finally how do you do? "

一个男人真正动了感情的时候,他的爱较女人的爱伟大得多,可是从另一个方面观看,女人恨起一个人来,倒比男人持久得多。 "A man truly became emotional when his love is much more than the love of a great woman, but viewed from another aspect, from a woman who hates to pour much more durable than men. "

"若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见,也要在心里存着感谢,感谢他给了你一分记忆。" "If you have to separate, but also a good way to say goodbye, but also keep in mind the gratitude he gave you a point of memory. "

很小的一件事就会吓坏爱情,很小的一件事情也会使爱情欢愉起来。对爱情来说,任何事情都有意义,任何事情都可以构成吉光或者凶光。 "One thing would be terrified little love, a little love, joy make things up. Love it, everything has meaning, anything can constitute Yoshimitsu or fiercely. "

真正的爱也许不仅仅是浪漫的相遇,热烈的吸引,醉人的蜜语和澎湃的激情——也许更应该是深广的宽容,细微的疼惜,淡远的关爱和无声的表达…… "Maybe true love is not just a romantic encounter, warm attraction, sweet words and surging passion intoxicating - perhaps more tolerance should be broad and deep, subtle affection, love and silent Apprehension expression ...... "

原来在爱人死后,活着的人是靠着回忆继续爱着的,所以不要以为为爱的人死就是爱,若真的爱,就为爱的人活着,活到很老很老。 "The original lover's death, people are relying on the memories alive continued love, so do not think that's died for love is love, if it is really love, love for the people to live, live to be very old. "

这个世界上没有一个人值得你为他哭,唯一值得你为他哭的人却永远不会让你哭! "No one in this world is worth your tears, only worth your tears, but people will never make you cry! "

从前有一个男孩和一个女孩,男孩对女孩说如果我有一碗粥,我会把其中一半给你。女孩长大后,嫁了人,但她总是想起男孩的话,她觉得那才是她一生中的最爱。 "Once there was a boy and a girl, the boy told the girl if I had a bowl of porridge, I'll give you half. After the girls grew up, married a man, but she always remembered the boy's words, she felt that her life is the favorite. "


爱情本来就不复杂,来来去去不过三个字,不是我爱你,我恨你,便是算了吧。你好吗?对不起。 "Love is not that complicated, but the words come and go, not I love you, I hate you, is to forget it. How are you? I'm sorry. "

爱情就是这样,她让我们何时何地都惦念着对方,如果惦念淡没了,消失了,爱情也就结束了。 "Love is so, when and where she let us all thinking about each other, if miss the light is gone, gone, the love is over. "

对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 "To the world you may be one person;, but to one person you may be the world. "

世间可以流逝一切,爱却可以永驻,尽管爱的那么忧伤。只有记忆,将会以一种深刻的不可触及的形式,存留在心里。 "The passage of all the world can be, but love can be forever, although love so sad. Only memories, will not be touched in a profound form, remain in my heart. "

爱情,就像咖啡,苦中有甜,甜中带苦,令人回味无穷。 "Love, like coffee, bitter sweet, bittersweet, memorable. "

真正的爱情不仅要求相爱,而且要求相互洞察对方的内心世界。 "True love requires not only love, but also for mutual insight into each other's inner world. "

爱是包容而不是放纵,爱是关怀而不是宠爱,爱是相互交融而不是单相思,爱是百味而不全是甜蜜。 "Love is inclusive rather than indulgence, love is caring and not loved, love interacting with each other instead of unrequited love, love is not all sweet Barilla. "

爱情就像公共汽车,你等待的那一趟永远都不开来,你不等的却总是接二连三。 "Love is like a bus, you wait for a trip that never open, but you always come in threes ranging. "

友情,由时间去考验好了,千万不要由自己的失意去考验。 "Friendship, by the test of a good time to go, do not go to the test by yourself frustrated. "

真正的爱情是什么?它是一种给与,不是索取。一味的强占和索取,只会让对方感到压抑可怕。 "What is true love? It is a giving, not taking. Dispossession and requests blindly, will only make him feel terrible repression."

从前有一个男孩和一个女孩,男孩对女孩说如果我有一碗粥,我会把其中一半给你。女孩长大后,嫁了人,但她总是想起男孩的话,她觉得那才是她一生中的最爱。 "Once there was a boy and a girl, the boy told the girl if I had a bowl of porridge, I'll give you half. After the girls grew up, married a man, but she always remembered the boy's words, she felt that her life is the favorite. "

男人应该找个他爱的人做妻子,女人应该找一个爱她的人做老公。 "Men should find a wife who loves him, a woman should find a man to love her husband to do. "

人的美并不在于外貌衣服和发式,而在于他的本身,在于他的心,要是人没有内心的美,我们常常会厌恶他漂亮的外表。 "America is not the person's clothes and hair style looks, but because of his own, that his heart, and if people do not have inner beauty, we often loathe his beautiful appearance. "

爱一个人意味着什么呢?这意味着为他的幸福而高兴,为使他能更幸福而去做需要做的一切,并从中得到快乐。 "What does it mean to love someone? This means that for his happiness and happy, everything to make him happy and do more needs to be done, and learn to be happy. "

爱情本来并不复杂,来来去去不过三个字,不是我爱你,我恨你,便是算了吧,你好吗,对不起。 "Love had not complicated, but the words come and go, not I love you, I hate you, is to forget it, how are you, I'm sorry. "


真正爱一个人的时候,你会在意她的一切,她不开心的时候,你也会不开心。 "Really love a person, you will care about her everything, she was not happy, you will be unhappy. "

一个人受到感情的伤害,原本是可以慢慢淡忘的,但如果心里一直念念不忘,就会使其所受的伤害,永远难以痊愈。 "A person subject to feelings of hurt, the original can be slowly forgotten, but if my heart has been obsessed with, it will make the injuries, always difficult to heal. "

真正的爱情是什么?它既不是甜蜜的话语,也不是亲切的笑容,更不是海誓山盟的誓言。 "What is true love? It is not sweet words, nor is it warm smile, but not eachother oath. "

爱情像一面镜子,曾经有了裂痕,于是镜里的风景也扭曲了。 "Love is like a mirror, had been cracked, so the mirror landscape also distorted. "

爱情是个很奇妙的东西。有时你会因为它的存在而快乐无比,又是你却会因为它的存在而深陷痛苦之中。 "Love is a very wonderful thing. Sometimes you will because it's there and very happy, but also because it is you, but the presence of deep pain. "

总是仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被仰望和羡慕着。要珍惜和感知自己真正拥有的幸福。不要让你的幸福,只是在别人眼里。 "Always look up and envy the happiness of others, a look back, they found themselves being looked up and envy. To cherish and have perceived their true happiness. Do not let your happiness, but in the eyes of others. "

爱,是人与生俱来的一种本能,根本不必去刻意寻找,它在那里,它的能量源源不绝,生生不息。 "Love is a human instinct innate deliberately do not have to go looking for it in there, it's endless energy, endless. "

爱情就像冰激凌,无论如何避免,最后它终究会溶化。 "Love is like ice cream, anyway avoid, and finally it will eventually melt. "

爱会改变一个人,也会毁了一个人,所以爱情要慎重,爱情不是儿戏,如果爱情来了之后就应好好把握好好珍惜,不要等失去了才让自己后悔。 "Love can change a person, will ruin a person, so be careful of love, love is not a trifling matter, if love comes after it should take advantage of treasure, do not wait just let yourself regret losing. "

爱情是最美好的梦,壮丽着每个人的人生。无论你是青年还是老年,无论你是离异还是独身都不要打破自己的爱情梦。让心中的太阳温暖生命,你就会永远年轻。 "Love is the most beautiful dream, stunning everyone's life. Whether you are young or old, whether you are divorced or celibacy are not to break their love dream. Let the sun warm the heart of life, you will be forever young. "

有的女人恋爱时让男人宠着自己,结婚后仍然要老公百般宠着自己,却忘记做为一个女人应该做的份内之事。这样的女人不懂得爱情。 "Some women make a man fall in love to spoil yourself, still married to her husband in every possible way to spoil yourself, but forget what should be done as part of a woman within. This woman does not know how to love. "

真正的爱情并不一定是他人眼中的完美匹配,而是相爱的人彼此心灵的相互契合。是为了让对方生活得更好而默默奉献,这份爱不仅温润着他们自己,也同样温润着那些世俗的心。 "True love is not necessarily a perfect match for the eyes of others, but people who love each other mutual fit mind. Is to let each other live better and quiet dedication, this love not only their own warm, too warm the hearts of those secular. "

毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。 "No experience of love is fascinating, but stand the test of love is priceless. "
