
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:38



The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled(被宠坏的) . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. He hardly left her side. And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum(乱发脾气) . Then came his first day of school, his first day away from his grandmother's loving arms.

When he came home from school his grandma met him at the door.

Was school all right? she asked, Did you get along all right? did you cry?

Cry? John asked. No, I didn't cry, but the teacher did!





A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She started her class by saying, "Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up!"

Little Johnny then stood up.

The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Johnny?"

"No, ma'am, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself!"





英语笑话3:Stupid Question

Dan was the doorman of a club in a big city. Everyday, thousands of people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped and asked him, "What's the time, please?"

After a few months, Dan said to himself, "I'm not going to answer all those stupid people any more. I'm going to buy a big clock and put it upon the wall here." Then he did so.

“Now people aren't going to stop and ask me the time," he thought happily.

But after that, a lot of people stopped, looked at the clock and then asked Dan, "Is that clock right?”






英语笑话4:Things Have Been Okay

A young couple were becoming anxious about their four-year-old son, who had not yet talked. They took him to specialists, but the doctors found nothing wrong with him. Then one morning at breakfast the boy suddenly blurted, Mom, the toast is burned.

You talked! You talked! Shouted his mother. I'm so happy! But why has it taked this long?

Well, up till now, Said the boy, things have been okay.





英语笑话5:What Color

An impoverished graduate student at Clemson University in South Carolina, I was excited when my father informed me that he had bought me a car. Hardly able to contain my enthusiasm, I asked Dad the typical questions: "What kind is it? Does it have a stick shift? Does it have a tape deck?"

"It's a 1982 Toyota," he replied. "It's a four speed, and, yes, it has a tape deck . " Pleased, I asked what color it was.

"Well, " he said uncomfortably, " which part?"





The Name of a PoetOur teacher was telling us about a new system of memory training being used in some schools today. “It works like this,” she said.“Suppose you wanted tore member the name of a poet—Robert Burns,for instance.”She told us to think of him as Bobby Burns.“Now get in your head a picture of a London policeman,a bobby in flames.See?Bobby Burns!” “I see what you mean,” said the class know it all.“But how can you tell that it's Not Robert Browning?”

我们的老师正在给我们介绍现在某些学校使用的一种新的记忆训练系统。“这个系统是这样的,”她说。“假定你要记住一个诗人的名字——例如,要记住罗伯特·彭斯的名字。”她告诉我们把他当作博比·彭斯。“让你的脑海里闪现出一个伦敦警察的形象,燃烧着的警察。明白吗?警察燃烧!” “我明白你的意思,”班上的万事通说。“但是你怎么能说那就不是罗伯特·布朗宁呢?”


No matter which girl he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice. “Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to like her. So the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl.He told his friendly adviser: “Just like you said, I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed, and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her” “So,”asked the friend,“what happened?” “Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her!”

无论带哪一个女孩回家,这位青年人总会遭到母亲的反对。一位朋友劝他说: “找一个和你母亲一样的女孩——那她一定会喜欢她。” 于是这位青年人不停地找啊找,终于找到了这么个女孩。 正像你说的那样,我找到一个长相、谈吐、穿着打扮,甚至连烹饪都和我母亲一样的女孩。也正像你说的那样,我母亲喜欢她。” “那后来呢?”朋友问。 “没什么,”青年人说。“我父亲讨厌她!”


Our physics professor was struggling to draw the class into discussion of Archimede's principle of water displacement. He told us that Archimede noticed that when he got into a pool at the public bathhouse, the water rose spilling over the edge. Excited at his discovery, he ran down the street yelling, "Eureka, eureka!" The instructor asked if anyone knew what that meant.

One student stood up and answered, "I'm naked ! I'm naked!"




A man who had been married for ten years was consulting a marriage counselor. “When I was first married,I was very happy. I'd come home from a hard day down at the shop,and my little dog would race around barking,and my wife would bring me my slippers.Now everything's changed.When I come home,my dog brings me my slippers,and my wife barks at me.” “I don't know what you're complaining about,”said the counselor.“You're still getting the same service.”

一个结婚十年的男人正在请教一位婚姻顾问。“刚结婚那会儿,我非常幸福。我在店里劳累一天回到家,我的小狗会绕着我跑,汪汪叫,而我的妻子给我拿来拖鞋。现在一切都变了。我回到家里,我的狗给我拿来拖鞋,我的妻子对着我汪汪叫。” “我不知道你在抱怨什么,”婚姻顾问说。“你得到的服务还是一样的呀。”


A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. "Don't you know what the blinking lights and siren mean?" he demanded.

"Yes, sir," replied the driver.

"Then why didn't you pull over immediately?"

"I would have, officer, " the man said. "But last month my wife ran off with a policeman, and I was afraid you were bringing her back.




