
发布时间:2016-11-12 08:24



an eye for an eye 以牙还牙

have a bedroom eyes 有一双性感的眼睛

an eye for something 对某物有鉴赏力

eye someone 细看某人,打量某人

have eyes bigger than one’s stomach? 眼馋肚饱

four-eye 四眼

give someone a black eye 把某人打得鼻青眼肿

make goo-goo eyes at someone 对某人抛媚眼

green-eyed monster 嫉妒心

in a pig’s eye 废话,胡说

keep an eye on someone 密切注视某人,照看某人

keep one’s eyes peeled留心,警惕

see eye-to-eye 看法一致

be all ears 聚精会神地听,洗耳恭听

bend someone’s ear 与某人喋喋不休

blow it out one’s ear 胡说八道

chew someone’s ear off 对某人喋喋不休

have an ear for music 有音乐方面的天赋

fall on deaf ears 和没有心思听的人说话,没被理睬

good ear 辨别声音

keep one’s ear to the ground 注意听

perk up one’s ear 引起注意,竖起耳朵

play by ear 听过音乐后,不看乐谱而凭记忆演奏

put a bug in someone’s ear 事先给某人暗示,警告某人

talk someone’s ear off 因喋喋不休而惹怒某人

get off to a good start"”有了好的开始,开门红” Get the boot 委婉表达解雇某人If you're late again, you're getting the boot.”get booted 在chatrooms 还有被踢出去的意思。)

get one's teeth into something:认真对待,全神贯注于,死死咬住



Don’t get high hat“别摆架子”

Get lost!用在祈使句里,相当于“滚开”或“离我远点儿”,这一句话口气很重,只有十分生气时才这样说。类似的说法还有Get stuffed!(此句也用于生气的拒绝某人时)。

Don’t get me wrong:“别误会我/不要冤枉我”

Get an eyeful。“看个够”Let’s get real“别废话了,咱们说点儿正经的吧”(也可以说Let’s get a life)。


1. go up in smoke成为泡影

2. hit the road上路

3. shape up表现良好,乖

4. scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了

5. pull strings运用关系 (源于“拉木偶的线”)


1. come again 再说一遍

2. come clean 全盘托出,招供

3. spring for 请客

4. spill the beans 泄漏秘密

5. stick in the mud 保守的人


1. john厕所

2. keep in line管束

3. jump the gun草率行事

4. jump to conclusion妄下结论

5. lemon次


1. fishy 可疑的

2. flip out 乐死了

3. fix someone up 撮合某人

4. take a shine to 有好感

5. third wheel 累赘,电灯泡


1. ripoff 骗人的东西

2. rock the boat 找麻烦

3. blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了

4. in hot water 有麻烦

5. put one's foot in one's mouth 祸从口出


1. flop (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败

2. drop in/by/over 随时造访

3. drop a line 写信

4. duck 躲闪,突然低下头

5. go with the flow 随从大家的意见


1. act up 胡闹,出毛病

2. ad lib 即兴而作,随口编

3. blah-blah-blah 说个不停

4. hit it off 投缘,一见如故

5. zit 青春痘


1. put someone on the spot 让某人为难

2. racket 非法行业,挂羊头卖狗肉

3. have it good 享受得很

4. don't knock it 不要太挑剔

5. pig out 狼吞虎咽


1. down in the dumps垂头丧气

2. horse around嬉闹

3. pass something up放弃某事物

4. go whole hog全力以赴

5. shoo-in长胜将军


1. get the ball rolling开始

2. get on the ball用心做

3. lady-killer帅哥

4. lay off停止,解雇

5. knock it off=cut it off停止


1. have a passion for钟爱

2. pep talk打气,鼓励的话

3. pick someone’s brains请教某人

4. pass out醉到了

5. way back好久以前


1. hit someone with a problem让某人面对问题

2. have it bad for狂恋

3. hung over宿醉未醒

4. has-been过时的人或物

5. have a bone to pick with有账要算


1. let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密

2. in the market for 想买,积极物色

3. meddle in 干涉,搅和

4. screw loose脱线,神经不对头

5. sell someone on 以...说服某人


1. hang in there忍耐一下

2. hands-off无为而治,顺其自然

3. gag me with a spoon我快吐了

4. get a move on赶快

5. cook up想出


1. roll with the punches逆来顺受

2. right off the bat立刻

3. get one’s feet wet参与,开始做

4. get after盯着,责备

5. pan out成功,奏效


1. screw someone over欺负某人

2. down to the wire等到最后一刻才开始做事

3. buck抗拒

4. blockhead笨蛋

5. blow the lid off揭发(丑闻)


1. round up集合

2. put someone up留宿某人

3. take care of business负责

4. take out on拿…出气

5. hot stuff大人物


1. nitty-gritty细节,基本情况

2. no good很糟

3. have someone’s number清楚某人的底细,看穿某人

4. hot number新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物

5. off the hook逃脱,溜掉,不受罚


1. hunky-dory没问题

2. I kid you not我不骗你

3. pop one’s cork大发脾气

4. poke one’s nose into something多管闲事

5. pull a fast one欺骗


1. beats me我不知道

2. beat it走开

3. beat a dead horse白费口舌,白费力气

4. John Hancock签名

5. keep it under raps保密


1. kick around讨论;多考虑一下

2. junkie吸毒者

3. put away大吃大喝

4. put a move on挑逗

5. put one’s ass on the line两肋插刀,不惜一切


1. drag讨厌

2. a drop in the bucket沧海一粟

3. drop dead去死

4. down and out穷困潦倒

5. all that jazz诸如此类


1. know-it-all万事通

2. kooky古怪的

3. let someone have it让某人好看

4. a leg up占上风

5. low-life落魄潦倒的人


1. call it quits不干了

2. chip in出钱

3. a chip off the old block一个模子印出来的;酷似(父母的人)

4. clean up one’s act信心革面,重新做人

5. cliffhanger吊人胃口的东西


1. bullheaded顽固,牛脾气

2. bum rap责骂

3. bummer令人恶心的经历

4. burn someone up激怒某人

5. catch on to突然了解


1. drown one’s sorrows借酒消愁

2. creepy恐怖的

3. cross a bridge when/before one comes to it船到桥头自然直

4. cranky脾气暴躁

5. deal someone in让某人参加


1. big deal重要的事

2. bottom line总之,归根结底

3. give someone a break让某人松口气

4. break a leg祝演出等成功(表面意思“摔断腿”的反话)

5. go for it去做吧!


1. ahead of the game领先,占优势

2. all right already好啦好啦,别念叨啦

3. all-out尽力,全力以赴

4. all hell broke loose一团糟

5. add insult to injury越搞越糟,越描越黑
