
发布时间:2016-11-21 14:25

摘要:《茉莉花》是中国民歌,由军旅作曲家何仿根据1942年记谱采自江苏的汉族民间小调《鲜花调》整理,1957年完成改编曲、词[1] 。该首歌曲展现了少女热爱生活,爱花、惜花、怜花,想采花又不敢采的羞涩心情。

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

No other flower can compare with it,

I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

But I fear I will anger the gardener,

I want to pick just one jasmine flower,

But I fear the jasmine flower will not bloom;

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

Fragrant, white and loved by all,

I want to pick just one

And send it to someone else

Jasmine flower!

So beautiful the jasmine flower,

Fragarant, beautiful and full-blown,

I want to pick just one

And send it to someone else

Jasmine flower!
