
发布时间:2017-05-26 16:51



I sit at the same table has a little face,small eyes,look a little scary,white teeth,but I will see a arrayed,for a stronger player to help her.Who?Have WangShuXian,ChenQiuMing,ChenShenJun.

She is very fierce.Once,she helper ChenShenJun and I had a contradiction,she immediately call her help,and I happened with a "war",see me would not sustain the,yi!They how to run there?It is QinYeQi "attack" them.Because QinYeQi is my helper,and,behold,I was "attack",immediately to "save",and draws people,"play" have they dragged in,be defeated and flee.The results of class and she kicked me two feet.

She likes to independence,finish the assignment early once,she has a few questions,I will not go to teach her,she said:"you taught me to have what use?Teach wrong?" I fire emit three zhangs,a look,I write to.I really made a once in a while,she fought back and I play,I thought:the right answer,the answer to the teacher don't,really bad!

You may not know her,her name is sheep,because we don't love her,then gave "mutton string".Her name call-the sheep.


Robert is 21 years old.He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall .His face is long and narrow .His eyes are green.His hair is light brown.He doesn't look very Italian.He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face .He isn't fat and he isn't thin.His build is average.译文 罗伯特21岁了,他身高大约5.9英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛.浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人.他总是面带微笑,非常友好.他不胖也不瘦,中等身材

My English teacher,Mr.Jones,is a middle-aged man with thick glasses above his nose.We all like his classes,for he is always very active and has many ways to make his lessons lively and interesting.After class,he often plays table tennis with us.And at night,he usually works late and prepares the lessons carefully.When we told him that we had passed the entrance examination of senior middle school,he was so happy that he jumped like a child.We all get along well with him.All of us still miss him very much after we have left the junior middle school.


To some, clothes are everything. These people closely follow the latest fashions and take great pride in looking put-together. To others, clothes serve merely a functional purpose. These people regard clothing as practical possessions and nothing more. Most people fall somewhere in between these two perspectives, and I think that looking at how they dress can tell you a lot about what kind of people they are.

This is clearly evident in work environments. Is the person's work uniform dirty, wrinkled, and messily worn? Or is it pristine and cared for, and seemingly worn with pride? By taking a look at someone's work clothes, you can easily tell what kind of character they have when it comes to work. Those who are dedicated and proud of their jobs will keep their uniform in good condition, whereas those who have little love for their jobs will reflect that attitude through their uniform. This type of rule also applies in office environments. If professional dress is mandatory, then the ones who care the most will be the ones most impeccably dressed-they'll be sporting fresh-looking ties, well-ironed shirts, and lovingly-maintained shoes.

You can also tell a lot about a person by the type of clothes they wear when at home. Are they wearing old, comfortable sweatpants, or tight fashionable jeans? Those who are more tightly wound and care a lot about fashion may be well-dressed all the time, while those who are more laid-back and casual will take the chance to wear more relaxed dress. My best friend Karen, for example, is the type of person who wears casual-but good-looking-clothing everywhere she goes. She will often wear the same clothes to work as what she wears at home. That's okay because she works at a kindergarten, and she has to be comfortable playing with kids all day. Just by looking at her clothing, you can tell that she's a down-to-earth and a warm person.

Admittedly, you cannot judge a person by their clothing alone. Young people, for example, will often change their dress styles from month to month and year to year because they are in the process of discovering themselves. The impression you get may be very inaccurate or incomplete in these cases. However, after someone is past this stage in their life, clothing can be a fairly reliable indicator of who they are as a person because their lives will follow a far more regular routine.

Clothing can tell us a lot about an individual. Looking at how someone dresses at work or at home can give you insight into their attitudes and the type of person they are. This is probably less the case with younger people since they are still at a stage where their identity is uncertain, but otherwise you can deduce a lot about a person by looking at their clothes.
