
发布时间:2017-04-08 12:54



Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?

Ann: Yes. We've got a reservation. The name is Ann.

Waiter: Let me see. OK, this way, please. This is your table. And would you like to order now?

Ann: Yes.

Waiter: Here is the menu.

Ann. Thank you.








Anna: Excuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food. 打扰了,我想尝尝中国菜。

Waiter: We serve excellent Chinese food. Which style do you prefer? 我们这里有很好的中国菜。您喜欢什么风味?

Anna: I know nothing about Chinese food. Could you give me some suggestions? 我对中国菜一无所知。您能给我一些建议吗?

Waiter: It's divided into 8 big cuisines such as Cantonese food, Shandong food, Sichuan food etc. 中国菜分成八大菜系,如粤菜、鲁菜和川菜等等。

Anna: Is there any difference? 有什么不同吗?

Waiter: Yes, Cantonese food is lighter while Shandong food is heavier and spicy. 粤菜清淡适中,而鲁菜则味重香浓。

Anna: How about Sichuan food? 川菜怎么样?

Waiter: Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot. They taste differently. 川菜大都麻辣浓香,并且他们的味道

Anna: Oh, really. I like hot food. So what is your recommendation for me? 噢,其实我喜欢吃辣一点的。所以您推荐我吃什么?

Waiter: I think Mapo bean curd and shredded meat in chili sauce are quite special and delicious. We have a Sichuan food dining room. May I suggest you to go there? It's on the third floor. 我觉得麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝味道不错。我们有四川菜餐厅。可以建议您去那里吗?它在三楼。

Anna: Thank you. 谢谢您。

Waiter: It's my pleasure. 很高兴为您服务。


A: Would you please serve a little quicker? 上菜能快点吗?

B: We shall not keep you long. 我们不会让您久等的。

A:Why don't we try it? 我们干嘛不尝尝看呢?

B:It's great. 好的。

A: The foods here deserve its name. 这里的菜果然名不虚传。

B: My friend introduced me a right place. 我的朋友果然没介绍错。
