Just One Last Dance是一首旋律优美,而且能够向对方表示你心中对她的爱意的英文歌。下面是小编给大家整理的表示爱的英文歌,供大家参阅!
表示爱的英文歌Just One Last Dance介绍
《Just One Last Dance》是一首旋律优美的英语歌曲,由德国女歌手Sarah Connor与前夫Marc Terenzi演唱。这是这段感情的终点,在他们在婚礼仪式之前MarcEric 特别在海边弹着钢琴当着众人对即将成为自己妻子的Sarah 演唱秘密写好的新歌《Love to be loved by you》。在场的许多人都被听哭,Sarah 也流下了幸福的泪水。
表示爱的英文歌Just One Last Dance歌手介绍
1980年,Sarah Connor出生在德国的一个小镇上,据说因为是祖父的奥尔良血统,使她14岁便开始在教堂的唱诗班担任演唱,然后又在父母的安排下学习正统的声乐训练,想要成为一名歌剧女演员,还在学校的舞台上出演舞台剧、音乐剧。似乎当时的Sarah Connor即将走上古典道路,但是出于对流行歌曲的热爱,她终于还是选择了更能够亲近大众的音乐路线。
2001年春季,Sarah Connor以挑动情欲的处女单曲《Let's Get Back To The Bed Boy》,绽放狂野性格,歌曲强势占领德国排行榜亚军,并挥军直入欧陆各国排行榜TOP 10,抢攻欧洲流行单曲榜TOP 15;第二首单曲《French Kissing》转而释放灵魂乐的性感魅力,同年底改走情歌路线,推出感人恋曲《From Sarah With Love》成绩益发耀眼,光在德国就卖出75万张,歌曲轻易摘下德国榜冠军后座,窜登欧洲Music & Media排行榜TOP 5,并在瑞典与奥地利创造金唱片开出销售红盘;紧接着首张大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上层楼,不但直袭德国专辑榜亚军,也攻克荷兰、波兰、芬兰、葡萄牙、希腊等国排行TOP 10,2002年3月,Sarah Connor获颁德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖,稍后更勇夺Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。
表示爱的英文歌Just One Last Dance歌词
女:Just one last dance
Oh baby
Just one last dance
Oh ~~
We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe
I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
tomorrow will come and it's time to realize
our love has finished forever
how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
how I wish we make it through
Just one last dance
before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn around and round and round
it's like the first time
Just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold
and I don't know where I belong
Just one last dance
男:The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
I'll never forget how romantic they are
but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
There's no way to come with you (女:way to come with you )
it's the only thing to do
Oh ~~
女:Just one last dance (男: Oh ~~)
before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )
合:when we sway and turn around and round and round
女:it's like the first time
Just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm (男:keep me warm )
合:cause the night is getting cold
and I don't know where I belong
女:Just one last dance ( Oh baby)
Just one last dance (男:Oh ~~)
before we say goodbye (男:say goodbye )
合:when we sway and turn around and round and round
女:it's like the first time
Just one more chance
合:hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold
and I don't know where I belong
女合:Just one last dance
before we say goodbye
when we sway and turn around and round and round
(女:when we sway and turn around and hold me tight and ohmy love)
it's like the first time
Just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm
cause the night is getting cold (女:the night is getting cold,and I don't know where I belong)
男 :don't know where I belong
女:Just one last dance
男:Just one last dance
女:just one more chance
男:just one more chance
女:just one last dance