
发布时间:2017-05-16 17:23




Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic 1 I usually come to school by subwsay


Ⅰ. Aims and demands目标要求

1. (1) Learn other words of frequency:

once, twice

(2) Learn other new words and phrases:

life, American, or, few, have lunch, at school, day, have a rest, play, basketball, football, go swimming, and so on, ball, more, talk, game, listen to, music, read, library, must, first, week, every

2. Learn how to express frequency.

How often do you go to the library?

Once/Twice/Three times a week./Very often./Every day./Seldom „

3. Talk about the daily activities.

play soccer, play basketball, read books, go swimming, go fishing, listen to music, watch TV, do one’s homework, go to the park, meet friends, cook, go to the zoo

4. Learn about the differences of the school life between American students and Chinese students.


Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)


1. (热身活动。与学生一起唱Section B 4中的Let’s chant。让全班学生边唱边用双手打节拍。)

T: Please turn to page 4, and let’s chant. Ready?

Ss: Yes.

2. (检查家庭作业,然后请几个同学朗读他们写的小短文。)

T: Please show me your homework. Then I will ask several students to read their passages.

T: Who wants to read it out?

S1: „

T: Anyone else?

S2: „

3. (方案一:用问答的形式, 复习交通方式的表达用语。要求学生尽量采用两种不同的表达方式。)


T: S3, how do you usually go to school?

S3: I usually walk to school./I usually go to school on foot.

T: How do you usually go to school, S4?

S4: I usually ride my bike to school./I usually go to school by bike.

T: How does S4 usually go to school?

S5: He/She usually goes to school by bike./He/She usually rides his/her bike to school. T: „

(方案二:让学生在小组里进行链式对话, 复习交通工具的表达用语。)

S6: How do you often go to school?

S7: I often walk to school. What about you?

S8: I often take the subway to school. How do you usually go to school?

S9: „

4. (引导学生复习学过的频度副词seldom, often, always, sometimes, never, usually, 并由此引出本课的新词组how often和两个新的频度副词once, twice。)

T: I always go to the library after school. Mr. Zhang doesn’t go to the library every day. He goes there once/twice a week.



T: How often do you go to the library? (学习how often。尽可能帮助学生回答。) Ss:

(, 重点讲解how often的用法。)

Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)


1. (从谈论学校生活开始导入1a,呈现新单词、短语和关键词,提示词义并板书。) T:



Ss: Boys and girls, do you like our school life? Yes, we do. Then do you know about the school life of American students? No, we don’t.

T: Today we will learn about it together. OK?

Ss: Yes.

T: First, look at the blackboard, and let’s learn some new words and phrases. (

2. (让学生仔细阅读1a的对话,然后回答1b的五个问题。)

(1)Let the students read 1a carefully, and then answer the questions in 1b.

(2)Check the answers.


1. They usually walk to school or take a yellow school


2. At school.

3. At about 3 o’clock.

4. They often play basketball or soccer, go swimming

and so on.

5. Four times a year.

3. (播放1a的录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音和语调。)

T: Now, let’s follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

4. (人机对话。)

T: Suppose you are Michael. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with the interviewer. Step 3 Consolidation



1. What kind of vegetablesmeat drink food would you like?

I’d like ……

I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles.

2. What kind of noodles would you like?

I’d like beef noodles.

3. What kind of noodles would you like?

I’d like chicken and cabbage noodles.

4. What size bowl plate of noodles would you like?

I’d like a large medium small bowl moodes.

5. What size cake would you like?

I would like asmall birthday-cake.
