Clean the table,please英语教案及教学反思

发布时间:2017-02-27 10:35

做好英语教学设计,是每个小学英语教师必做的功课,下面小编为大家带来小学英语Clean the table,please英语教案及教学反思,希望对你有所帮助。

Clean the table,please英语教案:


能听懂会说、初步认读a door, a window, a sofa, a desk, a table和a chair的单数形式,发音正确。


多媒体 图片 单词卡片


step1. preparation.

1. greetings

2. free talk.

how are you?

how old are you?

who’s he/ she?

what’s this?(ask some school things in the classroom)

what’s your father/ mother?

3. enjoy a song. clean the chair.

step2. review.

1. recite the letters from aa to qq.

2. review the words of unit1-3.

step3. presentation.

1. teach door

t: what’s this? it’s a door. read and repeat. show the card. read one by one and in groups. stick on the bb.

2. the same as the following words: a window, a desk ,a sofa, a table, a chair

step4. practice.

1. listen and repeat.

2. high and low voice.

3. have a guess : which is in my hand?t-s1-s2-…

4. listen and number.(ask the students to write the numbers under the pictures on page19.)

step5. homework.

read the six words five times.

Clean the table,please教学反思:

用一首My family的歌曲引入,激发了学生的学习兴趣,为学生营造了浓厚的英语学习氛围,为后面的教学奠定了情感基础。简笔画的运用,把学生的注意力很好地锁在了教师的身上,老师每画一笔,学生就会开动脑筋猜,老师要画的到底是什么东西呢?在学生注意力高度集中的时候老师再教今天的新单词chair/desk/sofa/table,学生记得就比较牢。单词教学时,把单词卡片和图片结合在一起呈现,学生边看图边读,把单词的音、形、义有机地结合起来了。在学生跟读单词时,能根据学生的发音及时纠正错误的发音,例如,sofa 很多学生读成”搜发”,听到后及时给予指导,后面读错的学生就少多了。


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