
发布时间:2017-03-10 11:18




1.France Marie Antoinette said "let them eat cake," and we couldn't agree more. But there ismuch more in France to eat than just cakes. Snack on fresh cheese and baguettes as you walkalong the Champs-Élysées, and pick up some pastries for when you gaze at the Eiffel Tower. Besure to stop into a local café for a tiny cappuccino or sample the quintessential French delicacyof escargot.

1.法国 玛丽·安托瓦内特(法王路易十六的王后)说“让她们吃蛋糕就好了”,但是在法国,除了蛋糕,还有许多其他美食。当你漫步于香榭丽舍大街,不妨尝试一下新鲜奶酪和法式长棍。在参观埃菲尔铁塔时,可以买一些糕点品尝。一定要到当地的餐厅,点一小杯卡布奇诺,品尝一下法国菜的精髓:法国蜗牛。


Nothing says "When in Rome" more than eating decadent pizza, pasta, and gelato as youconnect with your inner gladiator at the Colosseum or throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain.



3.Germany Can't pronounce the food you're ordering? No worries. Just expect that your mealwill consist of the ingredients that the locals say they use most: meat, meat, and more meat.Then savor the flavor at a local beer hall with a stein of your favorite frothy drink.

3. 德国 说不出菜的名字?别担心,想着每道菜都是当地人用得最多的原料——肉——制成就行了。然后在当地酒吧里,和着一杯啤酒,细细品尝德国美食。

4.Spain Tapas bars are the norm here—sample delectable Spanish dishes such as arroz conleche, gazpacho, chorizo, and paella made as fresh as in your neighbor's kitchen. Spain's hugefishing industry offers an opportunity to venture beyond your comfort zone to enjoy someunique twists on how to cook your favorite seafood.

4. 西班牙 西班牙的Tapas风味餐馆非常盛行。品尝一下如,西班牙米布丁,西班牙蔬菜冷汤,西班牙腊香肠,西班牙海鲜烩饭这些美味的西班牙菜肴,如同在邻居家刚出炉般新鲜。西班牙的捕鱼业非常发达,有很多机会可以大胆尝试一些你最喜欢的海鲜的独特做法。

5.Peru Don't let the three simple staples of Peruvian food—corn, potatoes, and beans—foolyou. The influence of immigrants from Spain, China, West Africa, and Japan combined with localcooking practices has produced modified versions of beloved food dishes. Varieties of spices,native fruits, and freshly caught fish are all must-tries when in this South American country.

5. 秘鲁 别以为秘鲁只有玉米,马铃薯和豌豆三种食物。西班牙,中国,西非和日本的移民带来的本国风味与当地烹调方式相结合,形成了升级版的秘鲁美食。各式调料,当地水果和新鲜的鱼类是这个南美国家必须要尝试的食物。

6.Mexico When Baja Fresh and Taco Bell are no longer curbing your cravings, head south of theborder for some real Mexican food. Sample homemade tortillas and delight in the wide rangeof fresh herbs and spices that add pops of flavor to mole, carne asada, and enchiladas.

6.墨西哥 Baja Fresh和Taco Bell这两所快餐品牌不再满足你的胃口时,到南边的这个国家去寻找一些真正的墨西哥美食吧。品尝一下自制的墨西哥玉米薄饼。各种调味香料使鼹鼠肉,烤牛肉和墨西哥肉饼更加香浓。


中华美食 Chinese Cuisines

Yunnan province: over-the-bridge rice noodles


The cuisine: Yunnan cuisine is heavily influenced by Sichuan, meaning locals have a yen for spicyfood.


The dish: Allegedly invented by a virtuous wife who wanted to keep her soup noodles fresh andhot for her hard-studying husband, this Yunnan specialty is nutritious and often beautifullypresented. The dish normally comes with a bowl of rice noodles, a bowl of stock and morethan a dozen of small plates piled with toppings, such as beef, crab meat, salted goose, oystermushrooms, wooden-ear mushrooms, assorted vegetables and fragrant herbs.


Chongqing: chili-fried chicken cubes


The cuisine: Even compared with food from Sichuan, China's mecca of spicy dishes, Chongqingcuisine scores high in spiciness and numb-inducing ingredients.


The dish: La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn, toastedsesame and dried bird's-eye chilis to create a plate of hot, red deliciousness.


Hubei province: three delicacies wrapped in tofu skin


The cuisine: Three words sum up Hubei cuisine: steamed, fishy and soupy.


The dish: Sanxian doupi is Hubei's answer to lasagna. The traditional breakfast from Wuhan is made with a delicious stuffing, a mixture of soft glutinous rice, egg, mushroom and pork, tucked into two pieces of tofu skin and then pan-fried until golden brown.



Pizza Hut Unveils The World's First Playable DJ Pizza Box

The world’s two largest pizza chains, Dominos and Pizza Hut, are constantly trying to come up with innovative gimmicks to retain existing customers and attract new ones. While Dominos woos fans by embracing high-tech concepts like delivery robots, Pizza Hut focuses on making the humble delivery box more exciting. In 2015, they introduced a pizza box that could transform into a movie projector and now, one that turns into a fully functioning DJ!

The battery-powered DJ Pizza box, a collaboration between Pizza Hut and printed electronics specialist Novalia, looks like a normal delivery box from the outside. However, flip it open and you will find a complete turntable set-up with two decks, volume sliders, pitch controls, and even a crossfader.

To transform the box into a playable DJ, the user has to first sync it to a smartphone or computer via Bluetooth and connect to any MIDI-compatible DJ software. Once the setup is complete, budding DJ’s can instantly become the life of the party by pressing on the cardboard keys that are laced with conductive ink to make them interactive.

As you may have already guessed, getting your greasy hands on this lightweight DJ turntable is not going to be easy. The limited edition box which was unveiled earlier this month is only available in the United Kingdom, and even worse, at just five of the country’s 350 Pizza Hut locations.

Though that is unfortunate, Pizza Hut did introduce a Flick Football Field pizza box for its US fans this week. Available through October 14, it features a football field printed on top and comes with detachable goal posts, football triangles, and a scorecard. The tabletop game is played by “flicking” the paper balls back and forth across the board and seeing where they land on the scoreboard. The player with the highest score wins. Though it may not be as exciting as the playable DJ, the game board is easier to procure since they are available at all US Pizza Hut locations with the purchase of a medium pie.
