英语手抄报图片 手绘图多字少

发布时间:2017-03-22 20:30

我国教育改革明确要求深化素质教育,英语课堂教学也在改革中不断创新。许多学习会选择做英语手抄报来培养学生对英语学科的兴趣。下面是小编为大家带来的英语手抄报图片 手绘图多字少,希望大家喜欢。

英语手抄报图片 手绘图多字少1:My Summer Holiday

Summer holiday is coming.I am going to do many things that I want to do. For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing soccer.During the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my skills.Second I will go to my grandma's house,because I miss her very much.I want to stay with her for several days.Last I will help my mother do some housework. She was really tired when I was go to school. Except for taking care of me, she also has to work. Therefore, I want to help her in the holidays.What will you do on Summer Holiday?


英语手抄报图片 手绘图多字少

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英语手抄报图片 手绘图多字少2: 兔子

Hello, my name is Ribbit, I have a big family.There are 18 different types of rabbits and hares in the world. Some have famous names like "jackrabbit" and "cottontail." The rabbit and hare once were thought to be part of the rodent family ! But they have four front teeth – most rodents have two.大家好,我的名字是兔子,我有一个大家族。世界上有18种不同类型的兔子(科学家称之为物种)。有些兔子很有名,象“长耳大野兔”和“棉尾兔”。兔子曾被认为属于啮齿类动物(像老鼠一样)!但是它们有四颗门牙,而大部分的啮齿类动物只有两颗。

I live on all the continents of the world except Antarctica. And although I live in Australia, it's not one of my native homes. ·我住在世界上除南极洲以外的所有的陆地上。尽管我生活在澳大利亚,但我的家决不只有这一处。

I can live in all sorts of places with different climates and temperatures. They include plains, forests, snowy areas and even swamps. ·我能生活在具有不同气候和温度的各种各样的地方,包括平原,森林,雪地,甚至沼泽地。

·I usually make my home in shallow holes in the ground called burrows. I sometimes might use another animal's burrow instead of digging my own. ·我通常把家安在地里的浅洞中,称为“洞穴”。有时我会用其他动物的洞穴而不是自己挖。

·Most people think I'm really cute. I often have large floppy ears, although they can be small and short too. I have a chubby body, short legs and thick, soft fur. ·大多数人认为我聪明伶俐。我通常有一幅大大的耷拉的耳朵,有时也可能又小又短。我还有一个浑圆的身体,短腿和又厚又软的皮毛。

·I normally am shades of brown or gray all over, but my fur also can be white, black or even red. ·一般我全身棕色或灰色,但我的毛也可能是白色,黑色,甚至红色。

·I can be less than a foot long to almost 2 feet long from nose to tail. ·我可能不足一英尺长(10英寸,约25厘米),也可能从鼻子到尾巴将近二英尺长(20英寸,约50厘米)。

·I normally am pretty light but can get quite heavy, especially if I'm a pet. I've been known to get as heavy as 15 pounds . ·我通常很轻,但也可能很重,尤其是作为宠物的时候。据人们所知,我最重能达到15磅(几乎7公斤)。

·I eat a lot of grass and other plants. I'm often known for chewing on the leaves of plants in people's gardens. ·我吃许多草和其它植物,人们都知道我常常在花园中咀嚼植物的叶子。

·I'm speedy and can hop away from many enemies, especially humans. ·我速度很快,能逃离很多敌人,尤其是人类。

·You would see me most often at sundown when it's getting dark. I might be alone or hanging out with friends in a group called a colony. ·你经常会在天变黑,太阳落山的时候看到我。我可能独自一个,也可能是和朋友们在一起。

以上是小编给大家整理的英语手抄报图片 手绘图多字少,欢迎大家阅读收藏。

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