
发布时间:2017-03-15 08:32



School is starting, and students across the country are about to spend a lot of time in the classroom and in the library. And as they crack their textbooks open, they're going to hear a lot of familiar advice about how to study right. “Sit still, in a quiet place. Avoid distractions. Keep your focus on the book. Put away your devices. Study in the same place every day. Practice discipline and make studying into a routine.” But that's not the only way to learn, and brain science is increasingly suggesting alternatives.

Benedict Carey, who covers medicine and science for the The New York Times, is the author of How We Learn. He says that many of the old adages about studying and focus are outdated.Take the idea of studying in the same place every day. "You don't have to have the same chair, the same cubicle, the same room, to do your memorization," Carey says, "Changing context, changing environment aids retention."


为纽约时报药物与科学采访撰稿的本尼迪克特· 凯里是《如何学习》的作者。她说,很多关于学习和专注的理论都已经过时了。就拿每天要在同样的地方学习这一条来说,“辅助记忆的话,没必要非得坐同一张椅子,同一个隔间,同一个房间。”凯里这样说,“换个环境反倒会有助于记忆。”

Interview Highlights


On discipline and learning


A lot of people think learning is all discipline. And it turns out scientists have discovered, that it doesn't work that way. The brain is a foraging instrument. And once you appreciate that, you're able to take some pressure off yourself to not worry that you're doing things right all the time and to have a tactical plan when you study for something.


On how we typically study vs. how we learn life skills


We know that quiet study, ritual, all those things we assume to be true, assume to be self-evident, those are only one way to study. A lot of things we've learned, whether it's to cook or ride a bicycle or socialize, we've done those piecemeal. The brain is very good at learning on the fly during daily life.


On the value of distractions — including digital ones


Distraction is one of those things everybody is worried about — certainly every parent, with the iPhones and people jumping on Facebook and so on. And of course if you're spending your entire time tooling around on Facebook, you're not studying, so that's a problem.


However, there's a whole bunch of science looking at problem-solving. In problem-solving, when you get stuck, you've run out of ideas, distraction is really your best friend. You need to stand up, let it go — walk around the block, go to the cafe, drink a beer, whatever it is — and that is really your best shot at loosening the gears a little bit and allowing yourself to take a different and more creative approach to the problem.


On testing as a study tool, not just an evaluation


There's a lot of interesting research now looking at using testing as a study tool … self-examination, or even doing tests before a course starts, are both very intriguing, interesting and possibly sort of revolutionary approaches to learning.

