
发布时间:2017-05-13 13:28




This is a story in Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio about "Drunken Tao," a unique species in the chrysanthemum(菊花) family.

The Ma family was a scholars family and a family of chrysanthemum lovers. In this story, the lord of the present generation, Ma Zicai, was more fanantical about the plant than those of previous generations. On hearing of a unique species available in Jinling City, he rushed there and bought two.

On his way back he saw a handsome young man on a horse behind a canopied(遮有天篷的)cart. He was surnamed Tao and the girl inside the cart was his sister Huangying. They were moving away from Jinling and looking for a new place to live. At Ma's invitation, the two settled down in the south courtyard of the Ma residence. The girl often picked up the withered(枯萎的) plants Ma discarded and would replant them in front of her room. The next day these withered plants would bloom splendidly and fragrantly(芬芳地) . Before long, Huanying's flowers became known in the area and many people came to buy them.

Before long Ma's wife died of illness and Ma married the flower-loving Huangying. Every day Ma drank and played chess with her brother beside chrysanthemum flowers. One day, after getting drunk, the young man tripped and fell. Ma couldn't believe his eyes when the young man fell and turned in a huge, man-sized chrysanthemum plant. He ran to report to his wife, who rushed out and plucked(摘) a flower that she kept inside her dress. By dawn, Ma saw the young man again, lying on the ground fast asleep. He realized that the brother and sister were both chrysanthemum spirits.

But the second time the brother turned into a plant after getting drunk, the young man failed to change back to human form. His sister reserved a length of root from the plant. Before long, a unique species sprouted(发芽) , grew up and bloomed with a smell of wine aroma(芳香) . Later generations called this species "Drunken Tao."


This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio.

As a child, Xiliu was smart and liked to read biographies of ancient sages. She decided to follow the examples of previous worthies and leave behind a reputation that would benoted for generations to come. At the age of nineteen she married Gao Sheng, who had just olst his wife and had a son named Changfu. A year later Xiliu gave birth to a boy and named him Changhu.

Before long, Gao Sheng, still young, died of an illness, leaving Xiliu to care for her sons. Seeing Changfu was often truant(偷懒的) in his studies, Xiliu sent him to work with the shepherd boys as punishment. Changfu could not stand this and asked his mother to allow him to return to school. Xiliu refused, and Changfu, like a beggar, huddled himself up with cold. A grandmother in the village interceded(调解,求情) and took care of the boy. Xiliu told her, "If Changfu is ready to take a beating of 100 strokes, I'll take him back." Changfu decided that he would take the beating. Aware of Changfu's genuine repentance(悔改) for his errors, Xiliu did not beat him and asked him to continue his studies.

Changhu was a slow-minded child, so Xiliu asked him to quit school and work in the fields. But Changhu was so lazy that he often neglected work. Xiliu then asked him to engage in trade, but he used up all his money in gambling. At last, Xiliu sent him to Luoyang to sell goods, where he was put into jail for using fake silver in a whorehouse. In jail he suffered a lot. One day Xiliu called Changfu in and said:"I gave the fake silver to your brother on purpose, intending to make him suffer. Now you go and get him out." Back home, Changhu knelt before his mother, bitterlyremorseful. He finally gave up evil and returned to good.

Fellow villagers then began to understand Xiliu. She loved her children by tempering them in sufferings.

关于小学生英语故事比赛稿:The Hunter's conscience

Doctor Huang Xiaoyuan of Hangzhou was a noted authority on skin diseases and infections of all sorts.

One day he was sitting in his office when a man came in groaning(呻吟) . "What an uglybrute(畜生,残暴的人) ," the doctor couldn't help thinking, even though he knew that a doctor must do his best to help any person suffering, without regard to his looks.

The man took off his shirt and sat down so the doctor could see his back. On his back and shoulders, he had dozens of sores(疡) . The big ones were the size of a cup, and they were surrounded by lots of littler ones. The whole thing smelled dreadful.

Doctor Huang was so surprised that he said "Your whole back is rotting away" before he could catch himself.

"What?" the patient said, turning around in the chair.

"A rare disease called Birds Pay Homage(百鸟朝凤) to the King. It's incurable." Doctor Huang pushed his glasses up his nose. "What kind of business are you in? I think we'd better find this out first."

"You know those new weapons they call 'guns'? I have one, and I use it to shoot birds. I turn over their nests so they don't have anywhere to go, and then I shoot them when they're flying around. I've been in this line for oh, a dozen years now," the patient answered.

"No wonder!" the doctor replied. "Think how many homes you have destroyed, and how many animals you have killed! You have brought this disease down upon yourself by breaking the laws of nature."

The hunter looked worried. "Then what can I do?"

"If you're brave enough to admit that you shouldn't have killed all those helpless birds, and you promise that you will never kill anything again, we may have a chance. Otherwise……"

The hunter thought carefully. He realized that he had been cruel to shoot defenseless birds. He threw his gun in the river and went into the fresh produce business.

Within two weeks, his back was obviously better. He felt healthy, both physically and mentally. Before too much longer, he was well again.

By facing the truth and listening to his conscience, this man saved himself from a terrible end.
