
发布时间:2017-06-11 20:36



One evening,when I asked our six-year-old girl which bedtime story she wanted,she replied,"I don't know. Let's open the main menu and see what stories are in the book.”I explained that "main menu"is a computer term;in books,it's called the "table of contents".


That weekend, I repeated the episode over the phone to her grandmother. Grandma was amused,too. She said, "I guess you must be taking her out to eat too often."



On a street near my workplace,I noticed a meter maid happily writing tickets for a whole line of cars parked at expired meters. As she deposited $10 tickets on one windshield after another,I felt called to do a good deed. I deposited a quarter in the last meter in the row,thus saving a fellow driver the price of a ticket.


Feeling rather pleased with myself,I headed for my office.I couldn't resist turning back in hopes of seeing the meter maid's reaction when she saw that the red flag was no longer showing on that meter. When she reached the last car in the line,she reached into her purse,pulled out her keys,got into the car I had "rescued"and drove away.



As I waited for my luggage at Atlanta's international airport,I noticed a government agent with a dog sniffing for illegal drugs among the crowd of arriving passengers. A woman next to me also saw the animal at work and noted That it was of mixed breed with long shaggy fur.“I thought those police dogs were supposed to be German shepherds,"she said.


Overhearing her comment,the agent replied,“He is, but he's working undercover.”

