
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:13


Shanghai will be linked by Metro to Kunshan City in neighboring Jiangsu Province when subway trains will be put on trial runs, local Metro operator said yesterday.

The Anting-Huaqiao section on Metro Line 11 is likely to become operational this year after a complete trial run.

In the next step, the Metro operator will test and adjust the signals of the trains for night runs. It takes a little more than 10 minutes for a one-way ride, the city's Metro operator said.






文中的###trial run即为“试跑”。trial和run在此都是名词,trial意为“试验”、“试用”,常见词组又如:a trial period “试用期”,也可以表达为a probation period;on trial “试用中”,也可以表达为on probation。

另外,文中的test and adjust意为“调试”;one-way ride解释为“单程行驶”,类似的表达法还如:one-way ticket “单程票”;one-way street “单行道”。
