
发布时间:2016-12-01 19:59

香港(Hong Kong),全称中华人民共和国香港特别行政区(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China,简写:HKSAR)。由香港岛、九龙半岛、新界(包括大屿山及230余个大小岛屿)组成。那么,你知道香港的的英文发音吗?

香港 [xiāng gǎng]


Hong Kong

英[ˈhɔŋˈkɔŋ, -ˌkɔŋ, ˈhɔ:ŋˈkɔ:ŋ, -ˌkɔ:ŋ]

美[ˈhɑŋˈkɑŋ, -ˌkɑŋ, ˈhɔŋˈkɔŋ, -ˌkɔŋ]



Hong Kong is a travellers' paradise.


The building of the Bank of China is topmost in Hong Kong.


They are our Hong Kong correspondents.


How do you like Hong Kong?


We affirmed that there will be no amnesty.




According to the treaty, China is to take back Hong Kong on July 1st, 1997.


They are coming back because they feel the pride and sense the opportunities.


Recent surveys have shown that confidence level continues to rise.


You are the people who lead our businesses and shape their character.

They had asked Hong Kong for permission to put into port there 他们请求香港允许他们在那里入港停留。

The s were the decade of Hong Kong's industrial take-off 世纪年代是香港工业开始快速发展的年。

Property and equities are intimately connected in Hong Kong 在香港,房地产与证券密切关联。

She married into a leading Eurasian family in Hong Kong 她嫁入了香港的一个地位显赫的欧亚混血家族。

He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron 他被派遣到香港任C中队的副队长。

Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow 国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。

He rushed in with an urgent telex from Hong Kong 他手里拿着一份香港发来的紧急电传冲了进来

After his discharge from the school, he went to Hong Kong 他离开学校后去了香港

After Father retires, he's going to locate in Hong Kong 父亲退休后打算在香港定居

Hong Kong rates as the biggest trade centre in Asia 香港被认为是亚洲最大的贸易中心

She left Hongkong and took the ferry to Kowloon 她离开香港,摆渡来到九龙

Is there any aerial liner between Paris and Hong Kong? 法国和香港之间有定期航班 吗 ?

He agreed to our sending Jack to Hong Kong 他赞成我们把杰克派往香港

The Qing government ceded China's Hong Kong to Britain 清政府把中国的香港割让给英国

Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on foreign businesses 香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于外国商行

He flies to Hong Kong next day 他明天乘飞机去香港旅行

A typhoon is now approaching Hong Kong 台风现正逼近香港

Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on mainland 香港的繁荣在很大程度上依赖于大陆

Does the ship call at Hong Kong? 这艘船在香港停靠 吗 ?

China exercises sovereignty over Hong Kong 中国对香港行使主权
