
发布时间:2017-03-16 12:24


After Pan divorced Dong in 2012, rumors surfaced on the Internet that Pan was in debt, addicted to gambling and discrediting Dong.

Dong's agent Ren Jiaying confirmed the rumors in an interview with Shanghai Times.


Pan's attorney sued Ren and Shanghai Times for infringing his reputation, and won the trial.

The verdict ruled that Ren Jiaying and the newspaper Shanghai Times, must make an open apology to Pan within 7 days after the written judgment was reached.






文中的win the trial就是“胜诉”的意思,也可以表达为win a lawsuit,其中trial作名词,意为“审判,审问”,如:criminal trial(刑事审判),under trial(在审理中)。相关词汇:lose a lawsuit(败诉),first instance(一审),last instance(终审)

第三段中的infringe是动词,意为“侵犯;违反”,名词为infringement,“侵犯名誉权”可以表达为infringe reputation 或reputation infringement;短语infringe on表示“侵犯;破坏”,如:They infringed on her rights.(他们侵犯了她的权力。)
