
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:21


Naughty and weak pupils at a preliminary school in Xi’an were given a green scarf to wear, Chinese Business View reported. Teachers in the school said the green scarf is to urge pupils to make progress, but parents believe the move is improper. The reporter noticed that many “green scarf” children took off the scarf as soon as they got out of school. A parent surnamed Su said the green scarf will do great mental harm to children. “Children have self-esteem no matter how young they are. They may not speak out but they know it’s not good to wear a green scarf.”




文中的“green scarf”是指“绿领巾”,“scarf”是指“围巾,头巾,领巾”。红领巾是“red scarf”,是少年先锋队(the Young Pioneers)的标志。少年先锋队(the Young Pioneers)由共青团(Communist Youth League)领导。少先队的口号是“时刻准备着!”(Always be prepared!)
