
发布时间:2016-12-12 16:37

《琅琊榜》 何以如此成功?让众网友齐呼是2015年度最良心的古装剧作!那么,琅琊榜获得成功的原因是什么?下面就由小编告诉大家琅琊榜获得成功的原因吧!



If you still haven't watched Nirvana in Fire (Langya Bang) or don't know who Mei Changsu and Xiao Jingyan are, you might be falling behind the times in China. The period drama, about a man's quest for revenge and the struggle to clear his family name has become one of the hottest topics of discussion for TV fans.

在新浪微博上,你可以搜到成千上万条关于这部电视剧的意见或者调侃角色的内容,有些微博致力于从各个角度分析剧中的服装,礼仪和摄影技术上的细节。 Searching on Sina Weibo you can find millions of posts discussing and sharing opinions about the drama or affectionately poking fun at the character. There are posts dedicated to analyzing nearly every aspect of this series in minute detail from clothing to etiquette and cinematography.

对创作敬业 Dedication to a craft

故事情节是成功的关键。当多数古装剧拿历史当儿戏时,《琅琊榜》因其逼真的场景,对历史和事实的尊敬获得了高度赞扬。这部电视剧讲述了男主角林殊(梅长苏)为他的家族和万千含冤而死的将士正名的漫长而艰难的征程。不同于其他电视剧老套的罗曼史,这部剧因其强调兄弟之情,爱国情怀和责任感而别具一格。Story is king. While many period dramas play fast and loose with history, Nirvana in Fire has been praised for its realistic setting and respect for history and the source material. The show tells the story of main character Lin Shu/Mei Changsu and his long and difficult journey to clear his family name and get justice for tens of thousands of soldiers who were unjustly killed. The series has distanced itself from the clichéd romantic plots seen in many period shows by emphasizing the ideals of brotherhood, patriotism and living up to one's responsibility.

在看过太多优秀的网络小说被翻拍电视剧毁掉后,我很高兴地看到,经过认真演绎和制作后,这部原著和编剧都是海晏的电视剧,将小说原汁原味地搬到了屏幕上。Having seen so many good online novels ruined by TV adaptations, I'm happy to say that through the sincere dedication of the cast and crew, the original novel by Hai Yan, who is also the scriptwriter for the show, has been faithfully brought to the small screen.


主演胡歌(梅长苏),刘涛(穆霓凰),王凯(萧景琰)用他们的演技征服了观众,尤其是胡歌,以其细腻的表演和对梅长苏深刻的刻画触动了观众内心,该角色超越了他以前演绎过的角色。The leading actors, Hu Ge (Mei Changsu), Liu Tao (Mu Nihuang) and Wang Kai (Xiao Jingyan) have surprised audiences with their acting abilities. This is particularly true of Hu, who has surpassed his previous roles with his complicated portrayal of Mei Changsu and ability to touch audience's hearts with even the smallest movements.

其他配角的演出也同样精彩,观众们被他们严谨的表演所折服,许多网友也纷纷指出他们被某些场景打动甚至落泪。那些拍摄时间短,完全依靠演员名气,忽视演员劣质的演技,故事线薄弱的电视剧永远不会有这样的情感影响。The performances of the supporting actors are no less excellent. The serious dedication of the cast can be clearly felt and many netizens have posted how they have been moved to tears by certain scenes. Those dramas that try to pull a fast one by counting on an actor's popularity and looks to cause audiences to ignore a show's lame performances and poor storylines could never have such an emotional impact.

细节决定成败It's the little things

幕后制作人的敬业也通过荧幕上的各种细节展示出来,无论是服装,道具和摄影技术,还是对白和配乐,无一不显示出制作方的良苦用心。The dedication of the crew behind the camera is also apparent in all the little details that can be seen in each scene. Be it costumes, props, cinematography, dialog or the show's music, it's clear those working on the show have put their heart into their work.

事实上有许多细节都值得一谈,虽然原著是建立在架空历史的背景上,但是电视剧却真实地还原了中国古代的服饰和礼仪。对古代文化的真实表达反映出剧组对此用功颇深,无怪乎观众将这部剧称为其他古装剧教科书式范本。There is actually a long list of things worth talking about. Though based on a novel without a specific historical background, the show goes out of its way to accurately portray the clothing and even etiquette followed in ancient China. The authenticity of the traditional culture on display demonstrates that the show has done its homework. It should come as no surprise that viewers are calling the show a textbook example of what a period series should be.

对细节的重视也通过场景设置表达出来。该剧导演李雪告诉腾讯网,他们对梅长苏所住的房子做了较大的改造以使其更能融入剧中的氛围,为此剧组种了一片竹林并修建了一个用鹅卵石铺建的院子。李雪表示,剧中的每一处布景都被剧组进行了一定程度的改造。This attention to detail is also reflected in the show's stage setting. As Li Xue, one of the production's directors told qq.com, major changes were made to the house where Mei Changsu lives to better fit the atmosphere of the show. The crew planted a bamboo garden and built a pebbled courtyard path themselves. According to Li, nothing appears in the drama that hasn't been changed in some way by the crew.

近年来,古装剧变得情节简单,故事线混乱,违背历史逻辑,仅仅依靠匪夷所思的故事转折和劣质的特效来吸引观众的眼球。不同于其他电视剧,《琅琊榜》不仅引起了观众的热议,同时也开启了古装剧的新篇章。In recent years many period series have tended towards simplistic plots, absurd storylines and a complete disregard for history, while also relying on shocking twists and cheap special effects to catch audience's attention. Standing out from its peers, Nirvana in Fire has not only attracted attention, but has also turned a new page for future TV productions.
