
发布时间:2017-06-15 13:52




1) appy is the man who is living by his hobby.醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。

2) hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords.希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界能提供的主要的幸福。

3) industry is fortune"s right hand, and frugality her left.勤劳是财富的右手,节俭是她的左手。

4) it is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.要在自身找到幸福是不容易的,要在别的地方找到幸福则是不可能的。

5) jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happi-ness and contentment.职业和工作在使人得到幸福与满足方面所起的作用比我们大多数意识到的要多得多。

6) like tree, like fruit.羊毛出在羊身上。

7) little things amuse little minds.小人无大志。

8) look before you leap.摸清情况再行动。

9) lookers-on see more than players.当局者迷,旁观者清。

10) losers are always in the wrong.胜者为王,败者为寇。

11) lost time is never found again.岁月既往,一去不回。

12) man is the artificer of his own happiness.人是自己幸福的设计者。

13) most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.对于大多数人来说,他们认定自己有多幸福,就有多幸福。

14) nothing is more fatal to happiness than the remembrance of happiness.没有什么比回忆幸福更令人痛苦的了。

15) one is never as unhappy as one thinks, nor as happy as one hopes.一个人永远不像他所想象的那样不幸,也不会像他所希望的那样幸福。


1) Offering is life 奉献就是人生

2) Discard the old ways of life in favor of the new

3) Time is life 时间就是生命

4) Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west博古通今 学贯中西

5) Learning English well having bright future学好英语 前程灿烂

6) Teach students in allowance with their opportunities Take advantage of their specialties 因材施教 发展特长

7) Master English you can roam the world 精通英语 走遍天下

8) Develop create and improve together with the time 与时俱进 开拓创新

9) The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸怀祖国 放眼世界

10) Solidify your base and richen your knowledge to improve your ability 厚基础 宽知识 强能力

11) Learn different languages to master the world Culture 学中外语言 通五洲文化

12) We are today the result of what we did yesterday, and we shall be what we will be because of what we have done today.昨天的一切成就了今天的我们,而今天的努力却将塑造明天的我们。

13) The person who only hears himself talking will get nowhere in learning.只能听见自己说话的人绝不会有进步。

14) The distance between dream and reality is often only one step away.梦想与现实之间往往只有一步之遥。

15) sometimes you try your hardest ,but things do not work out the way you want them to!有时候即使拼尽全力,事情仍不会按你想的那样发展!


1) own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals , without a of chiare only diffidult to extremely diffidult .有志者自由千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。

2) one is never as unhappy as one thinks, nor as happy as one hopes.一个人永远不像他所想象的那样不幸,也不会像他所希望的那样幸福。

3) Nothing seek, nothing find.没有追求就没有收获。

4) Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行语言最要紧。

5) nothing is more fatal to happiness than the remembrance of happiness.没有什么比回忆幸福更令人痛苦的了。

6) happiness is a way station between too much and too little.幸福是太多和太少之间的一站。

7) happiness is a form of courage.幸福是勇气的一种形式。

8) happiness grows at our own firesides, and is not to be picked in strangers" garden.幸福生长在我们自己的火炉边,而不能从别人的花园中采得。

9) for in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy.在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过。

10) happiness is not something you experience; it"s something you re-member.幸福不是你经历的事,而是你记得的事。

11) happiness is not a goal, it is a by--product.幸福不是目的,而是一种副产品。

12) Develop create and improve together with the time.与时俱进 开拓创新

13) desire to enhance the enthusiasm , perseverance in order to slick mountain . 欲望疑提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。

14) Confronted with naughty students who disorder the class, smiling at them is better than shouting at them.与其对扰乱课堂秩序的学生大吼大叫,不如对之微笑。

15) As for children, models are better needed than critics, while as for teachers, the most important thing is to give students our genuine and unconditional love.孩子们更需要的是榜样而不是批评,而对于老师,最重要的是给予学生们真挚的、无条件的爱。

16) happiness lies in the consciousness we have of it.幸福在于自知拥有幸福。

17) happy is the man who is living by his hobby.醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。

18) hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords.希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界能提供的主要的幸福。

19) It is better to die when life is a disgrace.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。

20) Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。






