初一上册英语Unit 4同步练习题及答案

发布时间:2017-03-08 16:44

处在初一的你,还不知道在期末怎样复习英语的吗?是这样的话,那不妨和小编一起来做份初一上册英语Unit 4同步练习题,来热热身,希望对各位有帮助!

初一上册英语Unit 4同步练习题

题组训练一 where的用法


( )1.—________ is my sister,Mom?

—In her room.

A.Who B.What C.Where D.How

( )2.—Where ________ your CDs?

—On the TV.

A.is B.are C.be D.am

( )3.—________ my tape player?

—On the table.

A.Where B.Where is

C.Where are D.How is

( )4.—Where is that radio?

—________ under the chair.

A.This is B.That is

C.It is D.They are

( )5.—________?

—They're on the sofa.

A.Where are my books

B.Where is my book

C.Where's my books

D.Where my books are




—________ his schoolbag?

—________ under the desk.



—Where ________ your parents?

—________ in the living room.

题组训练二 always的用法


( )1.The girl ________ tidy.

A.always is B.is always

C.are always D.always are

( )2.His brother ________ this question (问题).

A.always asks B.asks always

C.always ask D.ask always



Jack ________ ________ his things everywhere.


His grandfather ________ ________ fine.

题组训练三 but、and辨析


( )1.I am looking for (寻找)my pen everywhere,________ I can't find it.

A.but B.and C.too D.for

( )2.Kate is my good friend,_____ she is in China now.

A.too B.well C.but D.and

( )3.My sister______ I are tidy,______my brother isn't.

A.and;and B.but;but

C.and;but D.but;and


4.I have a new watch,________ I don't like (喜欢) it.

5.These are my parents,________ those are my friends.

题组训练四 in、on、under辨析


1.Look! The cat is ________ the hat.

2.—Where are Jim and his father?

—They're ________ the sofa.

3.The books aren't on the desk. They are ________ the bookcase.

4.—Are the books ________ your chair?

—Yes,they are.

5.The lamp(台灯)is ________ the table and the picture is ________ the chair.



I found the ring ________ the ________.


The keys ________ ________ the sofa.


The map ________ ________ the schoolbag.

§2 单元话题阅读训练


My name is Grace. This is my desk.__1__ on the desk?It's my bag. The __2__ is white. A watch,a hat,two CDs and a picture __3__ in it. The watch is from (来自)my mom. It is __4__.I like blue,and it is __5__ favorite (最喜爱的)color. What color is the __6__?It's red. It is from my sister Gina. Gina is a nice __7__.The __8__ CDs are yellow and white.__9__ are from my father. The picture is from my friend Bob. It's a __10__ of his room. His room is tidy.

( )1.A.What B.Where

C.What's D.Where's

( )2.A.bag B.book C.table D.chair

( )3.A.be B.am C.is D.are

( )4.A.white B.blue

C.green D.yellow

( )5.A.my B.your C.his D.her

( )6.A.key B.ring C.jacket D.hat

( )7.A.aunt B.teacher

C.girl D.mother

( )8.A.two B.three C.four D.five

( )9.A.You B.They C.These D.Those

( )10.A.game B.card

C.picture D.tape



Dear Gina,

Here is your brown jacket. You lost it in the library. Please ask our teacher for it.


Dear David,

This is your cousin Tom's schoolbag. His English book is in it. Can you take (带)them to Tom?Thanks.


Dear Jenny,

Your sister Jane's radio is on the sofa. The tapes are in the bookcase. Please take them to school. She needs (需要)them.



( )11.Gina lost a ________ in the library.

A.clock B.ruler

C.jacket D.radio

( )12.Tom is David's ________.

A.father B.brother

C.grandfather D.cousin

( )13.A(n)________ is in Tom's schoolbag.

A.ID card B.English book

C.model plane D.tape player

( )14.Where is the radio?

A.On the desk. B.In the schoolbag.

C.On the sofa. D.In the bookcase.

( )15.________ needs the radio and tapes.

A.Jane B.Jenny

C.Anna D.Sally


This is my classroom. In the classroom,you can see a table,eight desks,eight chairs and a blackboard (黑板).You can see a boy and two girls,too. Some books are on the table. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pencils and an eraser are in the pencil box. A bag is behind (在……后面)a chair,and some English words are on the blackboard. The boy is Tom. He is ten years old (岁).The girl in a hat is Alice. She is ten,too. Here is a girl. She is Jane. She is nine years old. Their teacher is Ms. Green. She is not in the classroom. She is in her office (办公室).Her bag is on the table.



( )16.Some books are under the table.

( )17.An eraser and two pens are in the pencil box.


18.Where are the English words?


19.How many people (多少人)are there in the classroom?


20.How old (多大岁数)is Jane?


初一上册英语Unit 4同步练习题答案

一、Ⅰ.1-5 CBBCA

Ⅱ.6.Where's;It's 7.are;They're

二、Ⅰ.1-2 BA

Ⅱ.3.always puts 4.is always

三、Ⅰ.1-3 ADC

Ⅱ.4.but 5.and

四、Ⅰ.1.in 2.on 3.in 4.under 5.on;on

Ⅱ.6.under;bed 7.are on 8.is in

§2 单元话题阅读训练

Ⅰ.1-5 CADBA 6-10 DCABC

Ⅱ.11-15 CDBCA 16.F 17.F 18.They are on the blackboard.

19.Three. 20.She's nine.

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