
发布时间:2017-03-20 21:00



1. 我的朋友说这本书很容易读。

My friends said this book ________ easy __________ _____________.

2. 他们把墨水用完了。

They have ___________ ______________ _________ the ink.

3. 这是一座具有丰富多彩历史的有趣的城市。

This is an _____________ city _____________ a very colorful history.

4. 学生们正在唱歌为慈善组织募捐。

Students are singing __________ ________________ money _______________ charity.


Alison has been skating _________________ _______________ ___________ five hours

6. 我们应该尽量做到不烦恼。

We should ___________ _________________ _____________ be annoyed.

7. 在新的房子里你一定会非常兴奋。

You must be very _____________________ to _________________ in a new house.

8. 把你的电视音量调小些好吗?太吵了。

Would you mind _______________ ____________ your TV? It’s too ________________________ .

9. 我不喜欢排队等候时售货员却在电话里长谈。

I don’t like ________________ ________________ ______________ when a shop assistant _______________ a long telephone conversation.

10. 他的女儿在公共场合总是很害羞。

______________ daughter is always shy ________________ _________________________.


Why ___________ ________________ ___________________ help when you were in troubles?


At last the fire _________________ __________________ ____________ by the fireman.


Would you mind ______________________ ________________ __________________ ?


____________ __________ you take a taxi, you _____________ still _____________ your train.


Do you know ______________________ ________________________ countries?


He went to play basketball ______________ __________ ______________________.

17. 你曾经收到的最好礼物是什么?

What’s ___________ ___________ gift you ________________ ever ______________________?


Dogs are __________ difficult to _______________ ________________ ______________________ .


People don’t need to spend ______________ _______________ money ________________ gifts.

20. 有时我没有足够的时间和她在一起。

_______________ I don’t have _______________ time to spend _______________ ________________.


This gift may _______________ ________________ _____________ _______________ someone else.

22. 相反,打扫你的房间将会让你的母亲很开心。

_____________ your room will make your mother ___________________ ___________________.


China is larger than ________________ _________________ ___________________ in Asia.


They’re travelling ________ Europe by train and are planning to ________ __________ in Moscow.

25. 事实上,那就是我想说的。

___________ ____________, that’s all I _____________ _____________ ________________ .

26. 是因为我会讲英语所以我得到了这个工作。

_________________ ______________ because I could speak Emglish _______________ I got the job.


____________ of us __________________ probably _____________ __________ Micky Mouse.


_______________ you ever ______________________ _______________________ an aquarium?


______________ than ________________ ___________________ of the population are Chinese.


He hase never _____________ __________ a foreigner. __________ _________________ his brother.


Friends ________ you make it a lot _____________ to ___________ _____________ in a new place.


I’ll _______________________ ________________ you ______________ I watch the photo album.


I was having a hard time ____________ this school _________________you came along.


He can hardly swim, ______________________ _____________________?


I am _______________ tall ______________ your sister, ________________ I?


_____________ are you _________________ _______________ with your friends?


I am ill. I don’t ________________ _______________________ eating ________________.


________________ of them was in good health, but ________________ studied very well.


Tom deosen’t like this one. ________________________ ______________________ I.


A: Alice, how long have you________________________skating?

B: I’ve been ______________________ _________________________________five hours.

A:Wow! ________________ long did you skate?

B: I skated ______________________ four hours. I started at 9 o’clock. In the morning and stopped at one o’clock

In the afternoon. I’m very tired.

A: ___________ did you start skating?

B: At 9 o’clock.

A: so you’ve been skating for…

B: I’ve been skating for 5______________.


A: Can I ___________ you?

B: I _______________this shirt here yesterday, and the sales clerk ______________me the ______________size.

_______________you mind _______________me a smaller one?

A: Certanily ______________. Do you _______________your receipt?

B: Uh-huh.______________it is.


A: May I help you?

B: I bought this pen here. But it’s_____good.

A: What’s the _________________________?

B: It doesn’t________________. Would you______________giving me a new ___________?

A: ___________at all. Here you are.

B: Thanks.


A: So, ___________kind of pet___________you want to get?

B: How______________goldfish? Fish are easy___________take ___________of.

A: They’re too boring. ___________about a snake? ______________are interesting.

B: Snakes are too scary! Let’s get a nice pet___________a cat.

A: A cat? I don’t______________cats. Cats aren’t friendly______________.

B: well then, how about a dog? Dogs make great ______________.

A: That’s ture. Hey, how about that dog? Isn’t___________beautiful?

B: yes, but his hair___________too long. I don’t want to______________ ___________dog hair every day.

A: Oh, all right.well,that hamster___________ there looks nice. He _______________friendly.and he has______________ hair.

B: Yeah,he’s perfect.let’s___________him.


A: Have you______________been_____Water World,Harvey?

B: No,I’ve_______________been there.

A: ______________have I. Let’s___________.

B: I’d really___________to go., but I don’t ___________any money.

A: Well,let’s ______________skating______________. There’s a great new place______________skating on center

Street ___________river Park.

B: That’s a great_______________. ______________I borrow your bike? I want to _____ home to _____my skates.


A: It’s always rains___________the weekend,_______________it?

B:Yes,______________ rains every Saturday! Do you______________ it’ll stop by noon?

A: I hope ___________. I want_____ ___________swimming.

B: oh? ______________do you swim?

A: At Franklin Lake. Do you ___________go ______________?


A: Hi. You’re Tom’s brother,_______________you?

B: Yes, I am. My___________is Jay.

A: Hi, Jay. I’m Liu.

B: How do you___________ Tom? Liu?

A: Oh,we’re ___________a music group together.

B: Oh,You______________the guitar,______________you?

A: Yes, I ______________. Do you play the guitar?

B: No,I don’t.

A: Do you play _____piano?

B: well, I ___________piano music. But I ______________play the piano.

A: oh, but you play______________________ else,_______________you?

B:well, I play the CD player.
