
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:37

名词解释:“黄金周”是从日本舶来的休假方式。1999年,中国国务院公布了新的《[1] 全国年节及纪念日放假办法》,决定将春节、“五一”“十一”的休息时间与前后的双休日拼接,从而形成7天的长假。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

The upcoming eight-day Golden Week holiday presents a good opportunity to shape the tourist industryand related services so that the ambitious goal of building China into a world tourism giant by 2020 can be realized.

Compared with 10 years ago, China's tourist industry has already made notable progress. For instance, the number of domestic tours has tripled and the number of overseas-bound tourists has increased more than fourfold.



【讲解】文中的Golden Week即指“黄金周”,是指国庆节的七天休假,今年“十一黄金周”恰逢国庆(National Day)、中秋(Mid-Autumn Festival)两节叠加,假期长达8天,号称“史上最长黄金周”,“黄金周”一般是旅游的旺季,旅游的形式一般有自助游(self-organized expedition或self-funded travel)和跟团旅游(package tour或group tour或organized tour)。
