《Happy new year》教案两篇

发布时间:2017-02-16 15:55

做好小学英语教案对于英语老师上课十分重要,下面小编为大家带来三年级上册《Happy new year》教案两篇,供各位教师教学参考!

《Happy new year》教案一:



2.能正确地听、说、读、写a car, a doll, a ball. a CD, a robot.

3.能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语: Happy New Year! This is for you.

Thank you.

4.能初步熟悉英语歌曲“Happy New Year!”。


1.能正确认读单词:a car, a doll, a ball,a CD, a robot.

2.能正确的运用句型:What’s this/ that? It’s …

3.能正确的运用对话中的日常交际用语:Happy New Year! This is for you. Thank you.




Step1. Warming up

1. Free talk

T:Good morning . How are you?

2.Sing a song : Happy New Year!

Step2.Presentation and practice

1.通过学歌曲,以小组为单位操练Happy New Year!及回答。

2. T: New Year’s Day is coming , I have a big box. What’s in it , guess?

S1: …。.

T: But we need to say “the magic words”。--This is for me. Then you can open

the box and get the presents..

T教师演示) This is for me. This is for me. (拍手说出魔语)

T: Yes. This is for me. This is for me. (回答完魔语,展示盒子中的礼物)

( 盒子打开变出一辆小汽车,并且渐渐飘向老师的方向)

T: Oh, thank you. How nice! (教师用夸张的语调,让学生感受到收到礼物应该说


T: What’s this? (红色模型小汽车)

S: It’s a car.. How nice!


A:What’s this/that?

B:It’s a (red) car.

4.同法练习其他单词ball ,CD,doll, robot。

5.用游戏形式操练句型What’s this/that?及单词并把实物奖给说对的同学。

6..T:You’re right. This is for you, xxx.( 引导学生问答),

S: How nice! Thank you.


7.Learn Story time.

T:New Year’s day is coming. Are you happy?

S: Yes.

T: Children are happy, too. Because Uncle John comes to children’s house. What are they talking?

a. Watch the cartoon.(看卡通,了解整篇对话)

b.看动画后,请学生说出Uncle John带来了哪些礼物。请学生上前将表示礼物的图片贴到黑板上


T: This doll is for XXX,.

S: 学生回答Helen,并将人物图片贴到相对应的礼物下方。


d. 跟读对话,模仿读音。

e. 分段跟读对话,并在小组内表演。

f. 请拿到和课文相关玩具的同学与同桌表演本段对话(3组)。

Step 3.Consolidation and exercises

1. 过新年了,同学们都准备了新年的礼物,请仿照课文,把你准备好的礼物送给你的好朋友。

Happy New Year. This is for you. Thank you.

How nice! You’re my good friend.

2.T: 同学们,学完了今天的对话,请你做一下下面的题目(情景选择)




3.设计一个Mind map 的图,让学生根据所学内容,找出Uncle John 非别给哪些孩子赠送了礼物,并且能说出礼物是什么?用图片和单词的组合代替,让学生进行选择,放在合适的框内。

Step 4 Homework

1. Read after the tape three times.

2. Spell the new words.


Unit 8 Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! What’s this/that?

Happy New Year! It’s a doll.carballCD robot

This is for you.

Thank you. ☆教学调整☆

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