
发布时间:2017-05-26 15:20


初中英语第二册听力:Spring Festival

Unit 1We're getting ready forthe Spring Festival.

Vocabulary and listening1 Match the words with the pictures.

1 cleaning the house2 cooking the meal3 getting ready for the Spring Festival

4 learning1 a dragon dance5 making lanterns6 sweeping2 the floor

Now listen and check.

2 Listen and read.

Tony:Hi, Lingling.What's happening? Areyou getting ready forthe Spring Festival?

Lingling:Yes, we are.Betty:What are the boys doing?

Lingling:The boys arelearning a dragon dance.Tony:Are you learning adragon dance, too?

Lingling:No, I'm not.I'm making lanterns.Betty:What's your mother doing?

Lingling:She's cleaning the house.Tony:And what is your aunt doing? Is she helping3?

Lingling:Yes, she is.She's sweeping the floorBetty:And what is yourgrandmother doing?

Lingling:She's cooking the meal.Tony:Is your father helping you?

Lingling:No, he isn't. He's at work. He's working.

Pronunciation5 Listen and repeat./l/learn lantern meal/w/what work/j/yes you your

Unit 2What traditions doyou have at the SpringFestival?

Reading and vocabulary2 Match the photos and the paragraphs.

We have lots oftraditions.

First, we clean ourhouses and sweep awaybad luck, and then wepaint doors and windowsred. It means good luck.

We usually decorate thedoors and windows withpaper cuts. We also buyclothes and everyone hasa haircut.

Our parents and grand-parents give us New Yearpresents. They areusually new clothes.

On New Year's Day, weput on our new clothesand visit our family andfriends. There is dragonand lion dancing.

The family has dinnerand we eat jiaozi—akind of dumpling, or asweet rice pudding.

We watch TV and atmidnight there areusually fireworks.We don't clean thehouse for a few days.

We don't want to sweepaway good luck. And wehave lots of food forgood luck.

The New Year Festivalfinishes at the LanternFestival after two weeks

We usually eat a kindof rice dumpling calledyuanxiao.

They are round and sothey bring us good luckall the year round.

Words and expressionsModule 2

festival/'festivl/n.节日Spring Festival 春节ready/'redi/adj.有准备的

get ready for为……准备好clean/kli:n/v.打扫;弄干净cook/kuk/v.做饭;烹饪

meal/mi:l/n.一餐,一顿饭learn/l╔:n/v.学;学会dragon/'dr╗g╓n/n.龙dragon dance 舞龙lantern/'l╗nt╓n/n.灯笼

Lantern Festival 元宵节sweep/swi:p/v.打扫sweep away 扫去floor/fl╛:/n.地板happen/'h╗p╓n/v.发生

help/help/v.帮助at work 在工作tradition/tr╓'di╞╓n/n.传统bad/b╗d/adj.坏的;不好的


decoration/,dek╓'rei╞n/n.装饰paper cut/'peip╓ ,k╘t/剪纸

everyone/'evriw╘n/pron.每个人;每一个haircut/'he╓,k╘t/n.理发give/giv/v.给New Year 新年

New Year's Eve新年前夜dumpling/'d╘mpli╕/n.饺子;团子sweet/swi:t/adj.甜的


a few 一些want/w╛nt/v.要;想要week/wi:k/n.星期round/raund/adj.圆的/adv.在周围

all the year round一年到头bring/bri╕/v.带来colour/'k╘l╓/n.颜色



WorkbookModule 2 Spring Festival

Pronunciation8 Listen to these sentences. Underline the words which match the sounds.

/l/My family usuallycelebrate the LanternFestival all together.

/w/We want to decoratethe window with papercuts.

/j/Young people usuallyhave fireworks to celeb-rate the New Year.

Now listen again andcheck.

Listening and speaking9 Listen and check (√) the correct picture.

Reading11 Read the passage and check (√) the true sentences.

It's Spring Festival,and it's a very busytime for all Chinesefamilies.

Everyone's cleaningtheir houses and sweep-ing away bad luck.

Fathers are paintingdoors and windows red.Mothers are decoratingthe doors and windowswith paper cuts.

Parents are buyingclothes and having ahaircut. All thechildren are wearingnew clothes.

Families are eatingjiaozi (dumplings) orniangao (sweet ricepudding).

They are all givingred packets of moneyfor good luck.

Young people are dancingdragon dances in thestreets.


Unit 1What are you going todo at the weekend?

Listening and vocabulary1 Listen and match the words in Box 1 with the words in Box 2.

3 Listen and read. Betty:What are you going to do at the weekend, Daming? What are your plans?

Daming:On Saturdaymorning, I'm goingto check my email andthen I'm going to do myhomework.

In the afternoon, I'mgoing to have a pianolesson.

Betty:I'm going to buysome clothes on Saturdayafternoon.

Daming:On Saturdayevening, I'm goingto go to a party ata friend's home.

We're going to listento some music. Would youlike to come?

Betty:Yes, that's a great idea.Daming:What are you going to do on Sunday?

Betty:I'm going to stayin bed in the morning.Then I'm going to revisefor my test. What aboutyou?

Daming:I'm going toget up early and thenI'm going to play tabletennis with some friends

In the afternoon, I'mgoing to meet Linglingand Tony in the park,and we're going to havea picnic.

And you're going tocome, too!Betty:Am I? Great!

Pronunciation andspeaking5 Listen and repeat.

1 -What's he going to do? -He's going to do his homework.

2 -What's she going to do? -She's going to buy some clothes.

3 -What are they going to do? -They're going to have a picnic.

6 Listen and repeat.Pay attention to thepronunciation of/l/.

/bl/table tennis/kl/clothes/pl/plans play

Unit 2We're going to walk upthe Great Wall.

Reading and vocabulary1 Read the passages and match them with the photos.

What are you lookingforward to?

AI'm looking forwardto seeing my daughterand her daughter, mygranddaughter.

I'm going to visit themin China because it's mygranddaughter's birthday

I'm going to take theplane to Beijing becausethey live there.

We're going to do somesightseeing because welike Chinese culture.

We're going to visit theForbidden City and thenwe're going to walk upthe Great Wall.

BI'm looking forward togoing to Disneyland withmy parents.

I'm going to visitDisneyland because Ilike Mickey Mouse.

I'm going to learnEnglish because I wantto make some Americanfriends.

Then I'm going to lieon the beach because Ienjoy the sun and thesea.

Then we're going to stayin a hotel in San Franc-isco because my parentshave some friends there.

CWe're looking forwardto the Dragon BoatFestival.

We're going to watch itin Hong Kong because myparents live there.

Then my wife and Iare going to lie onthe beach because mychildren like swimming.

And we're all going toenjoy my mother's ricedumplings, zongzi,because she's a verygood cook!

Words and expressionsModule 3

plan/pl╗n/n.&v.计划;打算revise1/ri'vaiz/v.温习;复习revise for 温习;复习picnic/'piknik/n.野餐

have a picnic 吃野餐test/test/n.&v.测试;测验walk up 沿……走;登上forward/'f╛:w╓d/adv.向前look forward to 期待


sightseeing/'sait,si:i╕/n.游览;观光do some sightseeing 游览culture/'k╘lt╞╓/n.文化beach/bi:t╞/n.海滨;海滩


foreign/'f╛rin/adj.外国的get (from ...) to ...(从……)到达……go sightseeing 去观光

cycle/'saikl/v.骑自行车go cycling 去骑自行车shopping/'╞╛pi╕/n.买东西;购物

go shopping去买东西;去购物early/'╔:li/adj.&adv.早out/aut/adv.出外;在外go out 外出

WorkbookModule 3 Plans

Listening andpronunciation

6 Listen and check (√) the true sentences.

7 Listen and underline2 the words in Activity 6 which are stressed3.

Now listen and repeat.Make sure you stress thewords you underlined4.

Reading8 Read the passage about Betty's uncle and answer the questions.

My uncle's got a holidaynext week. He's going totake the plane toEngland. He's going todo some sightseeing.

First, he's going totravel by train and stayin hotels. He doesn'tlike cars. Then he'sgoing to visit London.

He's going to go to thetheatre and the cinema,and he's going to visitthe big parks. He likesEnglish culture.

Finally, he's going toenjoy some sun and seaand lie on a beach. Heloves swimming.

He always buys me apresent when he has aholiday. I'm lookingforward to that!

初中英语第二册听力:People and places

Unit 1We're having a greattime!

Vocabulary and listening2 Listen and match these words with the words in Activity 1.

3 Listen and read.Betty:Hi Mum, can youhear me?Betty's mum:Yes, I can.Where are you?

Betty:I'm standing1 onthe Great Wall of Chinaand talking to you.Betty's mum:Really?

Betty:We're on a schooltrip and we're having agood time.

Betty's mum:That'sgreat, Betty. What arethe others doing?

Betty:Well, Tony iseating an ice cream,Wang Hui is taking lotsof pictures and Linglingis buying some presents

and postcards.And Damingis eating lunch andlying in the sun.

Betty's mum:Can you sendme a postcard too?

Betty:Yes. Lingling andI are writing postcards.

We're enjoying theschool trip a lot.Anyway, we're goinghome now. Bye!

Betty's mum:Bye-bye, Betty!

4 Work in pairs. Match the people 1~7 with the actions a~g, and say what people are doing.

Now listen againand check.


7 Listen and repeat2./m/mum me home ice cream/n/can sun now/╕/standing talking having eating

8 Listen and repeat.buying callingdriving enjoyinghaving likinglying playing

running shoppingstanding takingtalking tellingwaiting walkingwriting

9 Listen and check (√) the words you hear.

1 a)stand in b)standing2 a)read in b)reading

3 a)walk in b)walking4 a)play in b)playing

5 a)drive in b)driving6 a)run in b)running

Unit 2They're going tothe opera.

Reading and vocabulary1 Read and find words that have the following meaning.

1 a place to meet friends and have a drink2 music and dancing

3 a place to have dinner4 going to a place in a car or bus5 music and singing6 put on your clothes

At this moment, indifferent3 places of theworld people are doingdifferent things.

In London it's fiveo'clock and people areleaving work and aregoing home.

They're waiting forbuses and running fortrains. Some people aredriving their cars.

Some are havingafternoon tea at homeor walking to pubs4 andhaving a drink.

In Moscow it's eighto'clock and peoplearen't having afternoontea.

They are having dinnerat home or in restaur-ants. Some are going tothe opera or watching aballet.

Some are watchingtelevision or playinggames at home.

In Beijing it's oneo'clock. People aren'thaving dinner. They aresleeping.

In Los Angeles it's nineo'clock. People aren'tgetting up, washing5 orgetting dressed.

They're working.Children are startingtheir lessons.

In New York it's midday(12:00). People aren'tworking. They are havinglunch.

They are eating hamburg-ers or hot dogs and dri-nking coffee or Coke.They're seeing friends,calling home or shopping

Writing5 Read the postcard and answer the questions.

MondayDear Betty,Greetings fromHollywood!

Thank you for yourpostcard from theGreat Wall.

Please send a card toGrandma! I'm visiting myfriends in Hollywood6 atthe moment and I'm en-joying the sun!

We're standing in frontof Madonna's home andwriting this postcardto you.

We're looking at thehomes of the film stars.I'm taking lots ofphotos. See you soon!Love, Mum

Betty RixonNo. 19 Xisanhuan BeiluBeijing (100089)P.R. China

1 Who is writing the postcard?2 Who is she sending it to?

3 Where is she sending it to?4 What is she doing?

5 When is she writing it?6 Is she enjoying her visit?

Words and expressionsModule 1


shop/╞╛p/v.逛商店;购物take/teik/v.获得;拿;抓take photos 拍照tell/tel/v.讲;告诉wait/weit/v.等

for/f╛:/prep.为;为了wait for 等待;等候postcard/'p╓ustka:d/n.明信片the Great Wall 长城

really/'ri╓li/adv.(表语气)真的吗a good time 美好时光a lot 非常

anyway/'eniwei/adv.(转换话题、结束谈话时说)无论如何,反正car/ka:/n.小汽车put on 穿上

thing/╙i╕/n.事情;东西leave/li:v/v.离开work/w╔:k/n.&v.工作at home 在家pub/p╘b/n.酒馆


wash/w╛╞/v.洗;洗涤dress/dres/v.穿衣服start/sta:t/n.&v.开始midday/,mid'dei/n.正午hot dog 热狗

coffee/'k╛fi/n.咖啡see/si:/v.探望;看见greeting/'gri:ti╕/n.问候;致意at the moment 现在,此时

look at 看……soon/su:n/adv.立刻;不久love/l╘v/n.&v.爱;热爱See you later. 再见。night/nait/n.夜晚

good night晚安(打招呼用语)street/stri:t/n.街道

WorkbookModule 1People and places

Listening andpronunciation7 Listen and match the people with what they're doing.

8 Listen to this letter. MondayDear Mum,How are you?I'm now in Sydney.

I'm enjoying this summercamp very much and I'mlearning English all thetime.

At the moment, we'rehaving a party. Somepeople are singing,and some are listeningto music.

See you soon.Love, Sam

Now write the wordswhich match thesesounds:Now listen again andcheck.

Reading9 Read the postcard and correct the sentences below.

Dear Grandpa,I'm writing to tell youabout what I'm doing inChina.

I'm going to an inter-national school here inBeijing.

We're having Chineselessons at school andI'm doing a lot of home-work in the evenings.But it's not all work.

I'm making new friendsand I'm visiting inter-esting places at theweekends.

Dad's working today andMum's doing some shopp-ing in town. I'm sittingin the park. It's alovely day here.

I hope you and Grandmaare having a good daytoo.Write soon.Love, Betty
