
发布时间:2017-02-21 17:40

有多少人曾经 在 Facebook 上拉黑过好友, 因为他们发表过关于政治,宗教, 儿童权益,或者食物等 不恰当的言论?所以说在FB上恰当的自我介绍及其重要,因为你面向的是国际。下面小编为你带来facebook上的英文自我介绍的内容,希望你们喜欢。


My name is Bryson A.J Andres and I am an Electric Violinist traversing the US. I have been Playing violin since I was 12 and have committed my life to the instrument. I made my first Debut as a soloist my Sophomore Year in High School by dominating the Battle of The Schools event held by the NAACP. The rest, as most people would say, is history. History in the making I would say haha

I was born on the island of Kauai in the state of Hawaii and moved to Alaska. Then Chicago, Alabama, and back to Alaska at the age of 8. Kissed my first girl in the 3rd grade and the second 30 seconds later. First Suspension for writing something naughty was in the 4th grade then found my life's purpose in 6th grade.

No, I am NOT a religious person. I generally spend my Sundays at home composing music, practicing music or sleeping in. My "gift" didn't just all of a sudden manifest itself over night. It was hard work, sacrifice, and hours of practice.

I am thankful for my supportive yet dysfunctional family. Especially my grandparents & dog that listen to all of my creations be they amazing or disastrous. Let's just say the character and drama of this family make up for my lack of friends lmao.


Hi everyone, my name is Chad and I'm new to the site. I'm 41 years old and am very much into health and fitness and looking to grow my network of others with similar interests so feel free to friend me on Facebook (see below).

That said, my current situation was not always the case. Without going into too much detail, a few years ago I found myself out of shape and had the realization that I needed to change the way I looked and felt. For both me and my family. I began my weight loss journey, was satisfied with my initial results and have never looked back.

If there's one piece of advise I can offer it's that finding a solid support group/system is so critical and great for keeping you accountable which as anyone who has tried to make changes alone knows can make all the difference. The online community is one of the greatest parts of this site.

It's not about a specific workout, revolutionary diet, or magic pill. IMO the perfect formula is the combination of fitness, eating right and support...and doing it all on a consistant basis.

I usually workout at 5:00am or so, and trust me, there are many times, my alarm goes off, and all I want to do is push it back an hour, so I still need to hold myself accountable and do what's necessary to keep it going and not revert back to my old ways.

That's why I'm here and figured I'd try to keep my own accontability log/group on this board so I can enjoy this hopefully never ending and enjoyable journey.

I know certain sites have rules with posting links so if it's allowed here's my facebook profile (to friend me) and a transformation video I put up a couple years back after my initial weight loss. If I can't post them, search for me on FB [username = getfitwithchad) or just send me a message and I'd be happy to provide you with either link.

I hope to have the opportunity to connect with some of you.



Thought I would introduce myself. Hopefully I put this in the right thread. I'm a web developer in the DC area who has bought and renovated 3 cabins with my wife during the past 6 years. We named each cabin after our dogs.

We use to have a management company but after they charged 30% and all these small charges. They were not entirely helpful (Though they are nice people). We decided to do it on our own and has worked great ever since. I created a website and a vacation rental system which has helped a great deal in terms of managing all 3 properties.

Though I'm curious to know how many people in this forum have a full time job and also manage their vacation rental property. Seems for me at least, that it's getting harder and harder to do. Probably doesn't help that I keep renovating new properties.

Anyway, hope this is a good year for rentals all around.


