
发布时间:2017-05-16 22:40


关于大自然的著名英语美文:Nature 论自然

When we speak of nature in this manner,we have a distinct but most poetical sense in themind.


We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects.


It is this which distinguishes the stick of timber of the wood-cutter, from the tree of the poet.


The charming landscape which I saw this morning,is indubitably made up of some twenty orthirty farms.


Miller owns this field, Locke that,and Manning the woodland beyond.


But none of them owns the landscape.


There is a property in the horizonwhich no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts, that is, the poet.


This is the best part of these men's farms,yet to this their warranty-deeds give no title.


To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature.


Most persons do not see the sun.


At least they have a very superficial seeing.


The sun illuminates only the eye of the man,but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.


The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to eachother;


who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.


His intercourse with heaven and earth,becomes part of his daily food.


In the presence of nature,a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows.


Nature says, he is my creature,and maugre all his impertinent griefs,he shall be glad with me.


Not the sun or the summer alone,but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight;


for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind,frombreathless noon to grimmest midnight.


Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece.


In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue.


Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles,at twilight, under a clouded sky,without having in mythoughts any occurrence of special good fortune,I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration.


I am glad to the brink of fear.


In the woods too, a man casts off his years,as the snake his slough,and at what period soeverof life, is always a child.


In the woods, is perpetual youth.



We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.

—Francis Bacon (弗兰西斯·培根)

Graced by beautiful rings and ridges on their shells, diamondbacks1) look like a field of galaxies on the move. They inhabit neither freshwater nor sea, but the brackish2) slurry3) of coastal marshes. Mating in the spring, they need to lay their eggs on land, so in June and July they migrate to the sandy dunes of Jamaica Bay4). The shortest route leads straight across the tarmac5) at Kennedy International Airport.

Never mess with6) a female ready to give birth. On June 29, 2011, more than 150 diamondback terrapins scuttled7) across Runway No. 4, delaying landings, halting takeoffs, foiling8) air traffic controllers, crippling9) timetables and snarling traffic for hours. Cold-blooded reptiles they may be, but they are also ardent and single-minded.

Don’t the plucky turtles notice the jets? Probably not as monsters. Even with polka-dot necks stretched out, diamondbacks don’t peer up very high. And unlike, say, lions, they don’t have eyes that dart after fast-moving prey. So the jets probably blur into background—more of a blowy weather system than a threat. But planes generate a lot of heat, and the turtles surely find the crossing stressful.

Mounted on the shoreline of Jamaica Bay and a federally protected park, indeed almost surrounded by water, J.F.K. occupies land where wildlife abounds, and it’s no surprise that planes have collided with gulls, hawks, swans, geese, and osprey. Or that every summer there’s another turtle stampede, sometimes creating two-hour delays.

People around the world became obsessed with the plight of the quixotic turtles, a drama biblical in its proportions (slow, sweater-necked Davids vs. steely Goliaths). It defied reason that small reptiles would take on whirring leviathans whose gentlest tap may crush them and whose breath can blow them to kingdom come.

Many people also felt a quiver of disquiet, of something elemental out of place. Supposedly, in our snug, walled-in cities, we’re keeping nature in check, growing docile plants, adopting pets and erecting a buffer of steel and cement. If wild turtles can find their way into suburbia, can larger animals be far behind, ones with fangs and teeth, whose red eyes pierce the night?

The answer is yes; it happens more often than one supposes. Chicago is home to hundreds of coyotes, which have been tracked near strip malls, in parks, and even in residential neighborhoods. In 2010, New Jersey hosted a six-day black bear hunt. Moose regularly pay house calls in Alaska, stomping into yards and onto porches, looking for grub. Giant antlers and all, they can leap chain-link fences. On many a golf course in Florida, alligators create an extra water hazard, and lakeside settlers know to keep their Chihuahuas indoors. Mountain lions forage in Montana cities; cougars stalk joggers in California; elk stroll through housing tracts in Colorado. At least one Brooklyn woman found a 7-foot-long python in her toilet. We forget that the animal kingdom is a circle of neighbors who often drop by unannounced.

The myth of our sprawly, paved-over cities and towns is that we’ve driven native animals out and stolen their habitat. Not entirely true. We may drain the marshes, level forests and replace meadows with malls, exiling some animals. But because we also need nature, we create a new ecology that happens to be very hospitable to wild animals. In some ways, it’s more inviting than wilderness. We install ponds, lawns, groves of edible trees. We leave garbage on the curb and design flowerbeds that are well-watered and well-fed, serving a smorgasbord of delicacies.

We can’t help ourselves; we evolved to feel part of nature’s web. So we erect walls to keep nature out and take pride in scrubbing dirt and dust from our homes. Then we fill our houses with bouquets of flowers, adopt pets and scent absolutely everything that touches our lives. We seat windows in our walls, install seasons (air-conditioning and heat) and fasten at least one noonday sun in every room to shower us with light. Confusing, isn’t it?

In my hometown upstate, we’re blessed by lots of wild animal visitors, from star-nosed moles and foxes to eagles, otters and skunks. White-tailed deer are so numerous that they qualify as residents. Each year, I line up behind a dozen cars on a busy highway as a caravan of Canada goose chicks waddles across in a single line between guardian geese, apparently unfazed by motorized honking.

Like the turtles at J.F.K., they remind us that, even with egos of steel and concrete plans, we’re easily humbled by nature in the shape of snowflakes, goslings or turtles—all able to stop traffic. They also remind us how conflicted we really are about nature.













I am the soil.


I am in the hills, and in the valleys, the farms, the orchards.


Without me humans could not exist. But you treatme like dirt.


Do you realize that I am just a thin skin on this planet?


And that I'm actually alive.


Full of organisms that grow your food.


But I am broken, aching, overused, sick.


Because of you. You have withered me away to less than half of what I used to

be just over100 years ago.


Are you paying attention? I am turning to dust.


So maybe you could treat me with a little more respect.


I suppose you still want to eat, right?

