
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:08


A draft version of an occupational disease prevention law that is currently undergoing amendment will include more diseases, such as cervical spondylosis, mouse hand or eye problems, said Huang Hanlin, a member of the drafting team, who is also with the Guangdong Prevention and Treatment Center for Occupational Diseases.




文中的“occupational disease”就是“职业病”意思,“occupational”是指“职业的”,如:occupational education(职业教育)、occupational environment(职业环境)。 “职业病”还可以说是“industrial disease”或者“occupational hazard”。文中的“cervical spondylosis”就是“颈椎病”的意思,“mouse hand”是指“鼠标手”。
