
发布时间:2016-11-21 09:21


The Ministry of Railways on Thursday unveiled a new operation plan for bullet trains, one day after the State Council ordered high-speed trains to run at slower speeds for safety.

High-speed trains running on lines between Beijing and Tianjin, and between Shanghai and Hangzhou, will run at 300 km per hour instead of 350 km per hour, the ministry said. Lines that run at 250 km per hour will be cut back to 200 km per hour, including high-speed rails between Hefei and Nanjing, Hefei and Wuhan, Shijiazhuang and Taiyuan and other lines. CRH (China Railway High-speed) trains that operate at 200 km per hour will be reduced to 160 km per hour, it added.Ticket prices will be reduced by 5 percent on the affected lines, the ministry said.

The ministry cut high-speed trains running between Beijing and Shanghai to 66 pairs from 88 pairs per day, effective as of August 16, as the China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock has decided to recall CRH380BL trains that run on the line for overhaul.

在国务院要求高铁降速以保障安全之后一天,铁道部于周四公布了新的动车运行方案。铁道部称,将目前京津城际、沪杭两条高铁的时速由350公里调整到300公里;将合宁、合武、石太等线高铁时速由250公里调整到200公里;将时速200公里的动车组列车时速调整到160公里。所涉及的线路车票价格将下调5%。 铁道部将京沪高铁列车开行数量将由目前的88对减少到66对,8月16日起生效,而中国北方机车车辆工业集团公司决定召回在运行的CRH380BL动车,进行全面整改。


【讲解】“动车召回”我们可以说成recall bullet trains, bullet trains是指动车。Recall除了有回忆,回想起的意思,还有召回的意思。我们经常在列车上看到的CRH是China Railway High-speed的缩写,指中国高速铁路,高铁可以说成high-speed railway,城际高铁即是intercity high-speed rail(railway)。
