
发布时间:2017-05-27 14:40




赵云:Hey,my dear roommates!(愁眉苦展)




丽萨:Are you ok?


赵:Yeah,I'm fine.The teacher arranged about the composition of friends or friendship.I think as a saying says "at home we count on parents,staying out we count on friends."That means nobody is utterly independent in the world . What do you think about friends or friendship.


章:From my point of view,friends are better than lovers,when I’m in troble,I always get help from friends.They treat me patiently .Oh,how luck,I have friendship.I remember zhoulin have a interesting friends.


周:Yeah!He is chuanchuan.

耶!他叫川川 张:I have a lot curiosity,can you introduce your friends?


周:Of course.He is a fat men but humorous and strange He often very confident. He have excellent acting talent, but sometimes very proud.by himself. One time we went to Shanghai, to help him take a posture I spent half an hour.他对食物精挑细选,Because he’s father good at cooking. His mother likes playing mahjong,so he also like it.


章、张、赵:Oh! He is a really interesting friend!


赵:How do you deal with the relationship between friends,lisa?

Lisa 你觉得应该怎么处理朋友间的关系?

张:Yeah!I want to know chuanchuan.I think have friends is a happy thing.for me ,a life without a friend is a life without a sun.About how to build friendship I think first you should be careful in making friends. We should tolerant to friends and we should share with friends.As usual,we can go shopping together for dinner or watch movies.


赵:Yeah,I agree with you!When you suffer from difficult problems or sometimes you feel helpless, a friend will get you out troubles and give you a hug dear you up . As we say ,a friend in need is a friend indeed.


章:I just agree with the half of your point of view. Friendship can build a bridge to make we communicate with each other.But I don’t like to make friends with people who don’t consider other’s feelings. They are selfish.If I meet people like this,I would rather stay alone.


张:Every coin has two sides, you're nice to people, people will be nice to you. I think the most important thing is do not let our friends down!And we should keep our friendship alive. Do you have many friends? What kind of people you want to make friends,zhoulin?


周:No, I only have a few best friend! I would like to make friend with the people who always talk with me. When I am worry he would encourage and help me .And we should share our happy and sad with each other!


赵: I can’t agree with you more! As students, we could share more time with our friends. The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Especially when I had Echo as one of my best friends. ……………………(补充) 我很同意你!作为学生,我们可以分享更多时间与我们的朋友。在我们年轻的心是纯洁的友谊,新鲜和简单的。我常常觉得有很多的好朋友很幸运。尤其是当Echo作为我最好的朋友之一.(???)

张:In a word .A friend in need is a friend indeed.I think a life without a friend is a life without a sun. Let us happy to play.


周、章、赵:OK!Let’s go !



Mary: What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?


Jason: I like people who are open and friendly. They should be sincere, and I believe that a friend in need is a friend indeed.


Mary: I don't like to make friends with people who are dishonest. Honesty is very important to me.


Jason: I think it's important to most people. The problem is that you can usually only discover if someone is honest by getting to know them, then seeing if they can be trusted. Without trust, there is no friendship.


Mary: You can find out from their friends. And you never know when they are joking and when they are being serious.


Jason: Sometimes, it can be hard to tell. But if you know the person fairly well. you can usually see from their expression what they are really thinking.


Mary: It seems that we generally like different kinds of people. How is it that we are such good friends?


Jason: Maybe people don't like to have friends that are all the same. Most people like a little variety in their lives, including a variety of characteristics in their friends.

