英语阅读: 六种音乐让生活更美好
Whether you favor Beethoven or Slayer, there is one thing I think we can all agree on: music makes life better. But here is the proof as science would have it, and it’s not just in the ways we think.
1. Listening To Music Reduces Stress
A lot of us intuitively turn to relaxing music when we are feeling stressed or tired. Perhapsunsurprisingly, we’re not just imagining things. Significant research backs it up. In particular,slow, quiet classical music is suggested to have the most soothing effect.

So if you have a hard time dealing with stress, compiling a playlist of some fitting classicalsongs could be a good idea. Or try listening to a relaxing, classical-style movie soundtrack.
2. Listening To Music Improves Endurance
Do you work out? Have you always felt like you perform better when you listen to music? Oddas it might seem, there has actually been a lot of research done on this subject. And sureenough, one study shows that music can increase endurance by 15%.
One theory is that the continuity of a classical piece helps you focus, which in turn allows youto persevere longer. However, another study suggests that it’s not the type of music, butrather the speed of the music—the beats per minute (bpm)—that matter. According to thestudy, the optimal speed would be 125–140 bpm.
3. It Can Make You Healthier
It might seem too good to be true, but some research suggests that there are measurablehealth benefits from simply listening to music. Listening to music can also release dopamine,often dubbed “the pleasure chemical”. You could perhaps substitute the pleasure achievedthrough eating your comfort foods by indulging in your favorite music, with none of thenegative health repercussions.
4. Singing With A Group Of People Makes You Happier
Ever thought people that sing in a choir look a bit…too happy? Well, as it turns out, it’s notjust your imagination. Science actually explains what makes them so happy. And the best partof it is, even less-than-great singers experienced the same positive effects.
What does this mean for you? Hopefully, that the next time you get the chance to have a sing-along with someone else, you take it, instead of worrying about how you will be received. It’svery likely to cheer you up! One of the studies listed also suggest that singing togetherincreases bonding. And don’t worry, if you feel like you’re just too shy, you can stick to singingin the shower. But just make sure you do it a bit more often.
5. Learning To Play An Instrument As A Kid Makes You More Successful Later
Research shows a noticeable correlation between learning to play an instrument as a child,and becoming successful later in life. So if you were always upset with your parents for forcingyou to play the violin—or like me, the piano—take a minute to be grateful. I just thanked myfather. One of my biggest regrets these days is that I never actually tried to learn to play thepiano properly.
6. It Improves Your Memory
The interesting part about the research is that it shows music helps your brain develop inmultiple areas, one of the most significant being your memory. So if you’re troubled by a badmemory, learning to play an instrument is something you should consider.
Life ... What is it?
See it in the colors of autumn,
A gentle snowfall in winter,
A sudden shower in spring,
The radiance of a summer day.
Behold it in the laughter
Of the young and the old.
Know of it in a surge of hope,
The blessings that are bountiful(丰富的).
What is life?
It is joy, awareness,
And the music within.
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