
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:57



interesting funny


This book is interesting.


There is an interesting program on television tonight.


She is an interesting person but her husband is a real nothing.


Your interesting report raises several important queries.


The English language has an interesting history.





It is awfully boring.


It is boring to listen to the same story.


His long boring story made me yawn.


He gave a boring speech full of stale jokes.


This party is boring.Let's bail it! 这种宴会无聊,我可要溜了!

I don't want to be tied to this boring job. 我不愿意死守这份让人厌烦的工作。

All of which my granddaughter finds boring, and she asks me to change thechannel. 所有这些都使我的小孙女感到无聊,她总是请求我换一个频道。

I want it to be formal, but not boring to look at. 我想要考虑是正式的,但不是令人厌烦的。

However, this would be a pretty boring post if the story ended there. 然而,如果故事就此结束,那么这将是一篇很无聊的文章

Boring and safe is the point. If you want to live as long as a woman, you need tolive with a woman and live like a woman. 无聊和安全是女性生活中的主要节奏,如果你想和女人一样长寿,那么你需要一个女人并以女人的生活方式活着。

"If you want to lose weight, turn off the television or watch something boring," hesaid. 他说,“如果你想减肥,那就把电视机关了,或者看一些无聊的节目。”

Ideally you can avoid boring topics, but if you can't think of anything else to say,then go with them as opposed to be quiet. 在理想的情况下,你可以避免涉及无聊的话题,但是如果你想不出什么别的话来,那就用它们吧,以免冷场。

Caution I like in bankers – even boring. 我喜欢银行家谨慎甚至乏味。

I found my job really boring. 我发现我的工作很枯燥。

How much routine do you like: boring but safe? 你喜欢常规的工作么:无聊但是安全?

"It was an important experience, " he said. "Peeling the labels off bottles wasextremely boring, but it made me think 'Look at all that garbage. 他表示:“这是重要的体验,从瓶子上斯标签是非常的枯燥,但会使我思考‘看看所有这些垃圾,是谁制造的?’”

This could be anything ranging from a boring lecture or sermon, to a monotonousconversation with people. 这可以是任何东西,一次枯燥的演讲或布道,或者是人们单调的一段对话。

Have you noticed that, in itself, money is kind of one-dimensional and boring? 你注意到了吗,从本质上讲,金钱是那种单调且乏味的玩意。

Henry James did write all of his own works, because nobody else could be thatboring, and, more significant, no one else has ever bothered to claim them. 亨利·詹姆斯自己写的自己的作品,因为没有其他人那么无聊,而且,更重要的是,没有人曾经麻烦来做有关声明。

How we would all like it to become boring now. 我们现在是如何希望他变得令人厌烦。

When you make the decision to go after your dream life, your life goes fromboring to an adventure pretty fast. 当你决定去追求你梦想的生活时,你的生活就会迅速的从枯燥变成一场冒险之旅。

The job may be “a bit boring, ” but for now, she, like others, has made herchoice. 这份工作可能会“有点无聊”,但是到现在,和其他人一样,她做出了自己的选择。

You see, a lot of guys will approach women and ask boring, uninterestingquestions like the ones mentioned above. 你看,很多男人接近女人的时候都会问一些无聊无趣的问题——比如上面提到的那种。

The world would be a very boring place if we were all plain vanilla. 我们若都是平淡的香草冰淇淋,这世界将会是一个很无聊的地方。
