
发布时间:2017-06-07 21:07



Pete: Hey Sue! Don't walk under that ladder...it's bad luck!

Sue: Julie, Is he serious?

Julie: Kind of. There is an old tradition in the West that says it's bad luck.

S: You mean a superstition?

J: Yes, I guess it is a superstition.

S: But, Julie...you're from the UK and Pete is American! I thought Western people weren'tsuperstitious!

P: Actually, many of us are. In America we have a whole bunch of superstitions.

Pete警告Sue不要从梯子下面走,It's bad luck. 会带来坏运气。 Superstition迷信。Julie是英国人,Pete是美国人,原来,西方人也迷信。

S: Wow...I always thought Westerners considered superstitions old-fashioned. My family isChinese; almost all of us are very superstitious.

J: Well, I think the superstitions might be different, but pretty much every country in the worldhas them.

S: Is the number "four" unlucky in the West?

J: No...I don't think so.

P: Um...wait. Why is the number "four" bad?

S: In Chinese the pronunciation of the "four" sounds a lot like the word for "death."

P: Oh, I can see why that would be bad.

Sue原以为,西方人觉得迷信是old-fashioned, 守旧过时的,只有中国人迷信,没想到,其实西方人也迷信,但是东西方迷信的内容不同。

J: We might be OK with the number "four" but some Western people think "thirteen" is anunlucky number.

P: That's true. Some buildings will skip the thirteenth floor or call it "12A" or something.

S: Ha! That's funny! In many Chinese places they do exactly the same thing with the fourthfloor! But why is thirteen unlucky?

J: Well, it's not too clear how that happened...but it probably has something to do with twelvebeing a lucky number.


J: Twelve is a number featured in many stories and legends and so it's kind of considered to bea good number.

S: But thirteen is not?

P: Yeah...and the most unlucky day of all is if a Friday falls on the 13th of a month. That'sconsidered to be a super unlucky day.

S: Yeah. I saw a horror movie called "Friday the 13" once!

J: Yeah! That's a great horror movie!



A funny story about ghosts.

Ruth: So, Jack, do you believe in ghosts?

Jack: No, not really. Why do you ask?

Ruth: Because I want to tell you about the time that I saw a ghost.

Jack: You saw a ghost? When?

Ruth: It was many years ago, when I was a little child. It was the middle of the night, and I wentto get a drink of water from the kitchen. I walked out of my room and was at the top of thestairs, when…

Jack: So that's where you saw the ghost? In your house? What did it look like? Was ithideous1?

Ruth: It was a big, green thing that looked like a person. It was in the kitchen, and it slowlymoved towards the stairs…

Jack: So what did you do?

Ruth: I hid so that it couldn't see me. Slowly it got closer and closer, until ……

Jack: Until what? What happened? Did you see it clearly? Did it attack you?

Ruth: It moved slowly up the stairs, step by step, and I could hear its approaching2 footsteps.When it finally got to the top of the stairs, I realized that it was my father in his green pajamas.He had gone to get a late night snack.













Janice: So do you believe in palmistry3?

Margaret: Palmistry? What is that?

Janice: It's when someone takes a look at another person's palm4 to tell the future.

Margaret: Oh, you mean palm reading5. I've seen that before, but I don't believe in it.

Janice: Are you sure? I've read a lot about palmistry and I've been able to tell a lot of accuratethings about a person from his palm. Do you want me to take a look at your hand?

Margaret: Really? You've read books about it? Ok, then. But only if you want to.

Janice: Ok, let's see, well, you've got a long life line, which is good, and the love line is strong……

Margaret: What else do you see? Will I be successful? Will I make a lot of money?

Janice: Hmm, hard to say, wait, yes, it looks like you will do well in business, and your ambitionwill help you a lot, but ……

Margaret: What? What is it? What's the matter?

Janice: You seem to have a large gullibility 6 line. You believe everything that you're told.

Margaret: Hey!

Helpful Information:

The most accurate statement about palm reading is that people believe what they want tobelieve.





