
发布时间:2016-11-12 14:57


Fear comes from the fact that you THINK you cannot act or will act incorrectly. But if you actually try, even though you're scared as hell, you'll often realize that these fears didn't have any foundations. They can be blown away if you tell yourself you'll just do it whatever happen. In many cases you'll think that death is your worse case, but you have to realize you're over-exagerating.

It's crazy how much our brain can work in order to protect us against ourself. Imagine you're in a plane, about to jump out of it to do some parachuting. You've never done that before. When you're about to jump, the brain jumps in and start giving you every bit of information it has against parachuting because fear has a seed into you brain. But if you've been jumping out of airplanes for ages, let me tell you the brain simply doesn't care anymore because it knows nothing will (generally) happen. This concept is the core idea of doing one thing that scares you every day.



When you push your limits, the number of fears you have start to decrease. With time you will start understanding that all those fears are just crap that your brain creates to protect you from the unknown but you'll also know that this unknown is not THAT dangerous. Approaching girls on the street is something many guys are just going to freeze if they have to do it, but it is possible. It just takes time and effort. If you do it one step at a time you'll realize that there's nothing really dangerous about doing it.

What is really interesting from doing this technique every day is that you experience a good amount of adrenaline through your body. It's also really great to have done something you thought you couldn't do. Doing this will make your life at least a thousand time better because there won't be any barriers to stop you. You'll get a better life, more respect from your peers, more control over yourself and will be able to share lots of experiences other might never thought about doing because they are too scared to follow the “Do one thing every day that scares you” mentality. But YOU ARE STRONG.




If you do things you think shouldn't be doing, sometimes you get opposite results: you get what you were looking for. Take this example: you put money into a saving account which gives you a poor return rate but you do so because you are “scared” of losing your money. You decide it's time to apply your new mentality and take the money and start buying shares instead. Maybe for the first transactions you'll have a bit of a rush/adrenaline going on because you aren't sure of what's going to happen, but then you are really proud of what you did. Even though you might have made mistakes, by doing what you were afraid of you removed a barrier you had. As time goes by, you learn how the market works and you'll get better. You'll might even make thousands of thousand by doing it. And now you're REALLY happy because you got past what you were looking for: earning something with the money you had. What the real accomplishment is, is that you've shown to yourself you were able to get over a fear you had. Amazing.


Fear is the only thing that limits you from acting and YOU WANT TO ACT. Don't let those fears control you for all your life, start showing them who's the real boss here.

