
发布时间:2017-05-17 18:14


小学生英语诗歌:He Flies Down the Hall

Oh, he flies down the hall

with the greatest of ease;

the boy with the helmet

and pads on his knees.

The teachers give chase

as he panics and flees,

and his skateboard is taken away.

So, he zips through the hall

on his scooter so fast.

His classmates all giggle

to see him sail past.

For thirty eight seconds

he's having a blast,

then his scooter is taken away.

So, he runs in the hall

with a whoop and a shout.

The kids can't believe

all the rules that he'll flout.

The Principal nabs him.

It's "three strikes, you're out!"

Now he sits in detention today.

小学生英语诗歌:PC, PC

(to the tune of "A Bicycle Built for Two")


give me at least a clue.

I'm so sleepy

but I've got this homework due.

I must turn it in tomorrow,

or face a world of sorrow.

So, please, tonight

just help me write,

so my homework's not overdue.

Sleepy, sleepy.

Can't seem to stay awake.

All this homework

gives me a bellyache.

I'll just close my eyes a minute.

I see no problem in it.

I open them.

It's 8 a.m.

Uh oh, that was a big mistake.

Teacher, teacher,

give me just one more day.

My computer

caused me this long delay.

I won't need another warning.

You'll have it in the morning,

unless tonight,

instead of write,

my computer just wants to play.

小学生英语诗歌:My Excellent Education

How to juggle.

How to hop.

How to make

my knuckles pop.

How to whinny.

How to cluck.

How to talk

like Donald Duck.

How to wiggle

both my ears.

How to fake

convincing tears.

How to yo-yo.

Capture flies.

Roll my tongue

and cross my eyes.

How to make a

piggy snout.

How to make

my eyes bug out.

That's a list

of all the cool

stuff I learned

to do in school.

小学生英语诗歌:A Dream of School Supplies

I had a dream of school supplies,

where paperclips could talk;

where poster paper hung around

with marking pens and chalk.

The stationery idled

while the pencils madly raced.

The clocks went 'round in circles,

and the glue sticks merely paced.

The binders were inseparable.

They bonded with the tape.

The workbooks exercised

and helped the stencils stay in shape.

Some calculators added

to the numbers in this land,

and music was provided by

a singing rubber band.

My dream was strange and truly cool,

but this was even cooler:

The dictionaries all looked up to me.

I was the ruler.

小学生英语诗歌:Revenge of the Lunch Ladies

(sing to the tune of "Animal Fair")

I went to the lunchroom, and there,

last week on a double dare,

I said the meat was too gross to eat

and smelled like my underwear.

I shouldn't have been rude

by making such fun of the food,

for though they were riled,

the lunch ladies smiled,

and said I had started a feud.

Today when I went there to eat,

they served up some monkey meat.

I ran out quick when I nearly got sick,

but then I went back to my seat.

The lunchroom ladies sighed

to see that I practically cried,

then served up a hunk of

barbecued skunk,

and that was the reason I died.

I died! I died! I died!
