
发布时间:2017-04-07 00:21


两人英语对话以及翻译:At the Train Station

EILEEN: What time does the train go?

MARTIN: At nine-fifteen.

EILEEN: What time does it arrive in Pittsburgh?

MARTIN: I don't know.

EILEEN: When is your meeting?

MARTIN: I have many meetings. They are in the afternoon.

EILEEN: When are you coming home?

MARTIN: Tonight.

EILEEN: We're going to meet the train.

MARTIN: Is Alan going to come with you?

EILEEN: Yes, he is.

MARTIN: When is his game?

EILEEN: Tomorrow evening.

MARTIN: Isn't the game this evening?

EILEEN: No, it isn't. It's tomorrow evening.

MARTIN: When was it last week?

EILEEN: It was on Wednesday. It's on Thursday this week.

MARTIN: I see. What time is the game?

EILEEN: Is't at seven-thirty.

MARTIN: Good. I'm going to go.

EILEEN: That's wonderful. He wants you to go.

MARTIN: When are you going to your office?

EILEEN: After lunch. I worked late last night.

MARTIN: What time are you going to go?

EILEEN: At one-thirty. What time is the train tonight?

MARTIN: It arrives at eight-forty-five.

EILEEN: OK. Sue can come, too. Can you eat on the train?

MARTIN: Yes, I can. But I'm going to eat in Pittsburgh.

EILEEN: Good. Sue can finish her homework before dinner.

MARTIN: What time are you going to have dinner?

EILEEN: At seven o'clock.

MARTIN: When are you going to come to the train station?

EILEEN: At eight o'clock.


艾 琳:火车几点开?

马 丁:9点15分。

艾 琳:什么时候到匹兹堡?

马 丁:我不清楚。

艾 琳:会议什么时候开?

马 丁:我有许多会议,它们都是在下午。

艾 琳:你什么时候回家?

马 丁:今晚。

艾 琳:我们来接站。

马 丁:艾伦和你一起来吗?

艾 琳:是的,他来。

马 丁:他的球赛是在什么时候?

艾 琳:明天晚上。

马 丁:球赛不是在今天晚上吗?

艾 琳:不,不是。是在明天晚上。

马 丁:上周球赛是在什么时候进行的?

艾 琳:是在星期三,这周是在星期四。

马 丁:我明白了,球赛是在几点?

艾 琳:7点30分。

马 丁:好,我要去看。

艾 琳:那好极了,他想要你去。

马 丁:你什么时候去上班?

艾 琳:午饭后,我昨晚工作得很晚。

马 丁:你几点去上班?

艾 琳:一点半,火车今晚几点到?

马 丁:8点45分到。

艾 琳:好吧,苏也能来,你能在火车上吃饭吗?

马 丁:能。但我将在匹兹堡吃饭。

艾 琳:好,苏在晚饭前能完成作业。

马 丁:你们什么时候吃晚饭?

艾 琳:7点。

马 丁:你什么时候到火车站?

艾 琳:8点。

两人英语对话以及翻译:Buying Tickets

MALE: Good morning.

MARTIN: Good morning. I want to buy a train ticket to Baltimore. What time is the train?

MALE: There is a train at four-fifteen. There is another train at six forty-five.

MARTIN: I want the six forty-five train. What time does it arrive in Baltimore?

MALE: At eight-thirty. Here you are.

FEMALE: Good afternoon. May I help you?

MARTIN: Hello. I want to buy some tickets to the concert.

FEMALE: What night do you want?

MARTIN: Next Wednesday please.

FEMALE: How many tickets do you want?

MARTIN: I want four tickets.

FEMALE: I don't have tickets for Wednesday night. Do you want another night?

MARTIN: Do you have tickets for Thursday night?

FEMALE: Let me see. Yes, I have four tickets for Thursday night?

MARTIN: Where are the seats?

FEMALE: Look here. They are right here.

MARTIN: That's very good. I want those tickets. What time is the concert?

FEMALE: At eight o'clock.

MARTIN: What time does the concert finish?

FEMALE: At ten-fifteen. Here are your tickets.

MARTIN: Thanks.

MARTIN: Hello.


MARTIN: I want some tickets for the ball game.

MALE: When?

MARTN: For next week.

MALE: What day?

MARTIN: For Sunday.

MALE: Sunday afternoon?


MALE: How many?

MARTIN: Three.

MALE: Let me see. OK. I have three tickets for Sunday afternoon.

MARTIN: Where are the seats?

MALE: Right here. Behind the batter. Is that OK?

MARTIN: Good. I want those. What time is the game on Sunday?

MALE: It's at twelve-thirty.

MARTIN: What time does the game finish?

MALE: I don't know. Maybe it will finish at four or four-thirty.

MARTIN: OK. Thanks.

MALE: Wait! Here are your tickets.


男 :早上好。

马 丁:早上好,我想买张去巴尔的摩的火车票。火车是几点的?

男 :4点15分有一趟,6点45分还有一趟。

马 丁:我要坐6点45分那趟火车,什么时间到达巴尔的摩?

男 :八点半。给你票。

女 :下午好,你要买票吗?

马 丁:你好,我想买几张音乐会的票。

女 :你要哪天晚上的?

马 丁:请要下周三的?

女 :你要买多少张票?

马 丁:我买4张票。

女 :我没有周三晚上的票,你要另外一个晚上的票吗?

马 丁:你有周四晚上的票吗?

女 :让我看看。有,我有四张周四晚上的票,你要吗?

马 丁:什么座位?

女 :看这,座位就在这儿。

马 丁:那很好,我就要那些票了。音乐会什么时间开始?

女 :8点。

马 丁:音乐会什么时间结束?

女 :10点15分。给你票。

马 丁:谢谢。

马 丁:你好。

男 :你好。

马 丁:我想买几张球票。

男 :什么时间的?

马 丁:下周的。

男 :哪一天的?

马 丁:星期天的。

男 :星期天下午吗?

马 丁:是的。

男 :多少张?

马 丁:3张。

男 :让我看看。好的,我有3张星期天下午的票,你要吗?

马 丁:什么座位?

男 :就在这儿,出球手的后面,可以吗?

马 丁:好,我要了。星期天的球赛是在什么时间?

男 :12点半。

马 丁:球赛什么时间结束?

男 :我说不准,可能在4点或4点30分结束。

马 丁:好吧,谢谢。

男 :等一下,给你票。
