
发布时间:2017-04-09 06:48



S: The style of this Mathematical Bridge is quite unusual in what do you think?


P: Yes, this bridge is built in sort of Chinese style. It’s delicate and elegant.


S: I heard that William Etheridge, the designer of Mathematical Bridge, had visited China.


P: Actually, it’s not true. And there are plenty of baseless stories told by some guides to gullible tourists. For example, Mathematical Bridge was designed and built by Sir Isaac Newton.

P:其实这个说法是不对的。关于数学桥,还有很多没有事实依据的故事呢,是由一 些导游告诉游客的,那些游客太容易上当了。举个例子,有人说数学桥是由艾萨克?牛顿爵士设计并建造的。

S: But Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727,22 years before the building of this bridge, and therefore he cannot possibly have had anything to do with this bridge.

S:但是艾萨克?牛顿爵士 1727年魷去世 了,22年后这座桥才建起来。因此,他不可能和这座桥有任何联系。

P: Yes. The bridge was built in 1749 by James Essex the Younger to the design of William Etheridge. It had subsequently been rebuilt to the same design in 1866 and 1905.

P:是啊,这座桥是由詹姆斯?小埃塞克斯 根据威廉?埃斯里奋的设计在1749年 建造的。后来根据原设计,人们又在 1866年和1905年重建了这座桥。

S: And the Mathematical Bridge is a wooden bridge across the River Cam, between two parts of Queens,College, Cambridge.


P: As the story goes, the original bridge was built without bolts ,but held together only by mathematical principles and a clever design.


S: And the story states that students of Queens’ College were so curious about this bridge that they took the bridge apart but then failed to put them back together.

S:还有一个传说,女王学院的学生对这座桥很好奋,以至于他们想把这座桥拆开一 探究竟,但后来却恢复不了原状了。

P: But according to the records, the joints of the original bridge are fastened by nuts and bolts. Only a pedant could claim that the bridge was originally built without nails.

P:但是根据史料记载,原桥的联接处是用螺母和螺栓拴住的。只有一个学者声称原 桥是没有铆钉的。

S: In reality, bolts are an inherent part of the design. When it was first built, iron spikes were driven into the joints from the outer side, where they could not be seen from the inside of the parapets, explaining why bolts were thought to be an addition to the original.

S:事实上,铆钉是这座桥设计的一个内在部分。开始建桥时,大铁钉是从外部敲入 眹接处的,所以从护栏内看不到铁钉。这也就解释了为什么人们觉得铁钉是后来 才加上的原因。

P: And anyone who believes that students could have disassembled the bridge cannot have serious grasp on reality, given the size and weight of the wooden material of the bridge.

P:考虑到这座桥的木质材料的大小和重量,如果谁相信学生们能够把桥拆开,谁宗尤 没有认真地考虑实际情况。

S: The River Cam divides Queen’s College into two sections, and this bridge is built to connect the two sides.


P: Queen’s College is a delightful0 college to stroll around, in particular the older section,


S: The famous places and sights nearby Mathematical Bridge are Imperial War Museum Duxford, Great St Mary’s Church and Museum of Archaeology.

S:数学桥附近的著名建筑和景观有帝国战争博物馆达克斯福德分馆、圣玛丽教堂和 考古学博物馆。

P: As Britain’s largest aviation museum, Duxford houses nearly 200 aircraft, military vehicles, artillery and minor naval vessels in seven main exhibitions buildings.

P:作为英国最大的航空博物馆,达克斯福德分馆收藏了近200架飞机、军用车、大 炮和小型军舰,分布在7个主展馆中。

S: And the site also provides storage space for the museum’s other collections of material such as films, photographs, documents, books and arte facts.


P: Based on the historic Duxford Aerodrome, the site was originally operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF) during the First World War.


S: During the Second World War Duxford played a prominent role during the Battle of Britain and was later used by United States Army Air Forces fighter units in support of the daylight bombing of Germany:

S: 二战时,达克斯福德机场在伦敦保卫战中发挥了重要作用,随后被美国空军战斗机连借用,支持了对纳粹德国的日间轰炸。


J: The erections of Cambridge are so beautiful and impressive.


C: Yeah. And I notice that there are plenty of bridges in Cambridge, for example, Clare College Bridge④,the oldest of Cambridge’s current bridges.

J:是啊。而且我注意到剑桥有很多桥,比如说,剑桥大学现存的桥中历史最悠久的 是克莱尔学院桥。

J: It survives as the oldest due to all its contemporaries being destroyed by the Roundhead forces in the Civil War, to make the town of Cambridge more defensible.

J:这是因为在英国内战期间,圆颅党 武装力量为了增强剑桥镇的防御能 力,把和克莱尔学院桥同时代的桥 : 都毁了,所以克莱尔学院桥是现存的最古老的桥。

C: But compared with Clare College Bridge, Bridge of Sighs is more beautiful.


J: Bridge of sighs belongs to St John’s College and it has a long history.

J:叹息桥隶属于圣约翰学院,历史很 悠久。

C: But why such a lovely bridge is called Bridge of Sighs?


J: There are various versions about its special name. Some say that because of the strict graduate examination of the University of Cambridge, it’s difficult for students who don’t work hard to pass it.

J:关于它特殊名字的来源,有很多的版本。有些人说是因为剑桥大学的毕业考试十 分严格,学习不够用功的学生很难通过这个考试。

C: Oh, I see! After flunking the exam, they would stand on the bridge and sigh or weep to express their regret. So the university named it Bridge of Sighs, to alert the students to study diligently④,

C:哦,我知道了!学生们考试失败后会站在桥上叹息或是哭泣以表达他们的悔恨。 所以学校把这座桥命名为叹息桥,提醒学生们要刻苦学习。

J: You are very smart and this version seems to stand up under scrutiny. But still there are different versions.


C: I'm curious about the other versions. Can you give me more details?


J: Others claim that the name of the bridge comes from the fact that students who break the university’s rules have to stand on the bridge to reflect their mistakes as a punishment. When they think about their misbehaviors, they would have a sigh.

J:有些人说这座桥名字的来源是这样的:违反学校规定的学生必须接受惩罚,即站 在桥上反思他们的错误。当想到自己的不当行为时,他们会发出_声叹息。

C: So many stories bring fame to this bridge. And that reminds me of a story that I heard many years ago. The story is that in Cambridge, students would sigh as they walked through this bridge, taking their last look at the city before taking the exams.

C:这么多的故事绾这座桥帯来了名气。这又让我想起了多年前听到的一个故事。当剑桥的学生们走过这座桥要去参加考试时,他们会叹息,站在桥上看风景是他们 对剑桥镇的最后一瞥。

J: In fact, this bridge was named after Bridge of Sighs, Venice. The view from Bridge of Sighs was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment.

j:事实上,这座桥是根据威尼斯的叹息桥而命名的。从叹息桥上看到的风景是囚犯 们进入监狱之前对威尼斯的最后一瞥。

C: You mean the enclosed bridge made of white limestone and having windows with stone bars in Venice, which connected the old prisons to the interrogation rooms in the Doge,s Palace?

C:你指的是威尼斯那座由白色石灰岩建造、带有窗户和石栏的封闭桥吗?就是连接 旧监狱和总督府审讯室的那座吗?

J: Yes. The bridge name, given by Lord Byron in the 19th century, came from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice out the window before being taken down to their cells.

J:是的。拜仁勋爵在19世纪给威尼斯的这座桥取名为哎息桥。他是根裾这样的联 想取名的:犯人在被关进监狱之前走在这座桥上,当他们从窗户向外看美丽的威 尼斯最后一眼时会发出叹息。

C: I can see the structural similarity between the bridge in Cambridge and its Venetian namesake-they are both covered bridges.


J: And Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge has connection with Lord Byron, too.


C: Really? What connection?


J: When Lord Byron fell from grace of Duchess of Bronte, he jumped off the bridge to commit suicide, but was saved by a passer-by. After that, the college sealed the open bridge to a gallery bridge.

J:当拜伦勋爵失宠于勃伦特公爵夫人时,他从桥上跳下来想自杀,但他被一个路人 救了。从那以后,圣约翰学院就把原本是敞□式的桥梁封闭成廊桥了。

C: Lord Byron is too emotional, but his story adds romance to this bridge.


J: In the tourist guide of St. John's College, readers can find the description for the pictures of Bridge of Sighs emphasizes that the bridge has never brought any punishment for any students.

J:在圣约翰学院的旅游指南上,读者们可以看到在对叹息桥图片的描述上,校方强 调从没有在桥上处罚过任何学生。


S: The style of this Mathematical Bridge is quite unusual in what do you think?


P: Yes, this bridge is built in sort of Chinese style. It’s delicate and elegant.


S: I heard that William Etheridge, the designer of Mathematical Bridge, had visited China.


P: Actually, it’s not true. And there are plenty of baseless stories told by some guides to gullible tourists. For example, Mathematical Bridge was designed and built by Sir Isaac Newton.

P:其实这个说法是不对的。关于数学桥,还有很多没有事实依据的故事呢,是由一 些导游告诉游客的,那些游客太容易上当了。举个例子,有人说数学桥是由艾萨克?牛顿爵士设计并建造的。

S: But Sir Isaac Newton died in 1727,22 years before the building of this bridge, and therefore he cannot possibly have had anything to do with this bridge.

S:但是艾萨克?牛顿爵士 1727年魷去世 了,22年后这座桥才建起来。因此,他不可能和这座桥有任何联系。

P: Yes. The bridge was built in 1749 by James Essex the Younger to the design of William Etheridge. It had subsequently been rebuilt to the same design in 1866 and 1905.

P:是啊,这座桥是由詹姆斯?小埃塞克斯 根据威廉?埃斯里奋的设计在1749年 建造的。后来根据原设计,人们又在 1866年和1905年重建了这座桥。

S: And the Mathematical Bridge is a wooden bridge across the River Cam, between two parts of Queens,College, Cambridge.


P: As the story goes, the original bridge was built without bolts ,but held together only by mathematical principles and a clever design.


S: And the story states that students of Queens’ College were so curious about this bridge that they took the bridge apart but then failed to put them back together.

S:还有一个传说,女王学院的学生对这座桥很好奋,以至于他们想把这座桥拆开一 探究竟,但后来却恢复不了原状了。

P: But according to the records, the joints of the original bridge are fastened by nuts and bolts. Only a pedant could claim that the bridge was originally built without nails.

P:但是根据史料记载,原桥的联接处是用螺母和螺栓拴住的。只有一个学者声称原 桥是没有铆钉的。

S: In reality, bolts are an inherent part of the design. When it was first built, iron spikes were driven into the joints from the outer side, where they could not be seen from the inside of the parapets, explaining why bolts were thought to be an addition to the original.

S:事实上,铆钉是这座桥设计的一个内在部分。开始建桥时,大铁钉是从外部敲入 眹接处的,所以从护栏内看不到铁钉。这也就解释了为什么人们觉得铁钉是后来 才加上的原因。

P: And anyone who believes that students could have disassembled the bridge cannot have serious grasp on reality, given the size and weight of the wooden material of the bridge.

P:考虑到这座桥的木质材料的大小和重量,如果谁相信学生们能够把桥拆开,谁宗尤 没有认真地考虑实际情况。

S: The River Cam divides Queen’s College into two sections, and this bridge is built to connect the two sides.


P: Queen’s College is a delightful0 college to stroll around, in particular the older section,


S: The famous places and sights nearby Mathematical Bridge are Imperial War Museum Duxford, Great St Mary’s Church and Museum of Archaeology.

S:数学桥附近的著名建筑和景观有帝国战争博物馆达克斯福德分馆、圣玛丽教堂和 考古学博物馆。

P: As Britain’s largest aviation museum, Duxford houses nearly 200 aircraft, military vehicles, artillery and minor naval vessels in seven main exhibitions buildings.

P:作为英国最大的航空博物馆,达克斯福德分馆收藏了近200架飞机、军用车、大 炮和小型军舰,分布在7个主展馆中。

S: And the site also provides storage space for the museum’s other collections of material such as films, photographs, documents, books and arte facts.


P: Based on the historic Duxford Aerodrome, the site was originally operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF) during the First World War.


S: During the Second World War Duxford played a prominent role during the Battle of Britain and was later used by United States Army Air Forces fighter units in support of the daylight bombing of Germany:

S: 二战时,达克斯福德机场在伦敦保卫战中发挥了重要作用,随后被美国空军战斗机连借用,支持了对纳粹德国的日间轰炸。
