
发布时间:2017-03-29 09:49



A: excuse me, do you know where the visa office is?

B: yes, I do. I’ll walk you there.

A: thanks!

B: are you applying to study or work abroad?

A: I want to study abroad.

B: what do you want to study?

A; I hope to study English literature.

B; have you got your visa yet?

A; not yet. I have an interview with the visa official today.

B; I see. Is it your first interview?

A: I was denied a visa?

B: why?

A: like most students. I want to work in America after graduation.

B; I see. Well, good luck!


A: guess what came in the mail today?

B: what?

A: my acceptance letter to Yale!

B; wow! Congratulation! When do classes start?

A: freshman orientation is the last week of august, but I want to go two weeks before that to get settled in.

B: you’re so lucky! Do you have to do many things before you leave?

A; yes. I’ll be very busy! I have to get a visa, buy a plane ticket, and pack my things. But first, I want to register for class.

B; when can you do that?

A: well, they sent me their prospectus, so I can start looking now. do you want to help me decide which classed to take?

B: sure. What can you choose from?

A; well, I have to take all the fundamental course, plus a few from my major.

B; what is your major?

A; I hope to major in English literature, but the admissions counselor told me that many people change their major times in their first year, so we’ll see.

B: what are the fundamental course?

A: in order to graduate, every student must take a certain amount of classed in history, math, English, philosophy, science and art.

B: interesting. That’s very different from the Chinese education system.

A: yes, it is . It’s also very different from the British education system.

B: really?

A: oh, sure. In British, students don’t have to take the foundation course.

B: why not?

A: maybe because they think they know everything already ! ha ha.


NICK: I think you made the right choice, coming to us.

We have a wide selectselection of vehicles you can choose from.

DAVID: I would like to rent a car with a good stereo.

NICK: All our cars have stereos in them.

Stereos, air conditioning. It's all standard with us.

DAVID: Good. I am here visiting my girlfriend. I want her to have a goodtime.

NICK: Oh, is that so?

Well, then. Let me show you something she might like. It's on our backlot.

DAVID: This is a Porsche!

NICK: Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?

DAVID: But I probably can't afford it. It must be really expensive.

NICK: Well, sir. You said you were looking at cars at the rental agency atthe airport.

Now with them you'd spend your money and get nothing for it.

But you could probably rent this Porsche from us,

for the same price as one of their standard cars.

DAVID: But how can you do that?

NICK: It's because our prices are so good.

And this car has a lot of miles on it. But it's in nice shape, isn'tit?

DAVID: Yes, it almost looks new.

NICK: Take a seat inside and see what you think.

NICK: So you will take the Porsche then, sir?

DAVID: Yes, and I want to buy the insurance too. I think it'snecessary.

NICK: You're smart to buy it. At 45 dollars for three days, it is a gooddeal.

DAVID: Can I return the car in San Francisco?

NICK: San Francisco? No, sir.

We only have this office here. You will have to return it here.

DAVID: Really? I heard in America you can return rental cars in differentcities.

NICK: No, sir. That's only with the very big companies.

I'm sorry, but this car must be returned to this lot.

DAVID: Well, I guess I will have to drive back down then. Hmm. I didn'tthink of that.

NICK: Do you still want the car, sir?

DAVID: Yes. It will be fun. Driving back down the coast. My girlfriend willlike it.

NICK: It's a beautiful drive.

DAVID: Where are the keys?

NICK: Just a moment, sir. We have to finish filling out the forms.












